Why is debugging disconnecting the board?

I was trying to connect my Domino to a Belkin USB/Ethernet hub and all went fine until I tried to debug a simple program :frowning:

The Belkin device manager reports a device deconnection each time I begin the debugging session. Of course, I can’t debug. But the code is still properly written to the board.
The “automatic reconnection” of the Belkin is not fast enough to fool VS2010 (or VS2010 doesn’t wait long enough :slight_smile: ), so no solution here.

Is there any reason for this behaviour or any mean to change it ? That is : how to not disconnect the board from the USB before sending the program to it ?

Is there an external power supply for the hub? I had similar problems when I used my hub without the external power supply connected. The USB from your computer might not have enough current to drive the FEZ if you have other devices attached.

(my experience only - I don’t know the real underpinning mechanisms)

Code gets deployed; then the device is rebooted. Then the debugger attaches to the running app.

If you deploy code, you’ll always get a reboot. Makes no sense not to, to me. And if you’re attaching a debugger, you always want to start program execution “fresh” so a reboot also makes sense to me.

The probelm as you say is that the reconnection via the hub isn’t fast enough. Mmmm, so where’s the problem - connect the Fez somewhere other than the hub :slight_smile:

[quote]If you deploy code, you’ll always get a reboot. Makes no sense not to, to me. And if you’re attaching a debugger, you always want to start program execution “fresh” so a reboot also makes sense to me.

The probelm as you say is that the reconnection via the hub isn’t fast enough. Mmmm, so where’s the problem - connect the Fez somewhere other than the hub [/quote]

Yes, clearly it’s the hub. The device gets disconnected because it gets reset to deploy code.

I don’t think it’s only the hub… Of course it doesn’t reconnect the device fast enough but I was wondering why a deconnection happened, much like when you unplug physically the device.

I can live with that, but I was thinking to use my USB/Ethernet hub to debug each and every board I (will) have across the network. Which now seems impossible :frowning:

Do you have the latest 4.1 QFE (the one with fixes)

So that’s a USB to Ethernet hub? Interesting. I don’t think that is a standard USB device. so the system prob isn’t responding fast enough.

On the bright side, if you upgrade to a Fez Cobra you can debug over Ethernet Natively!

Can you post a link to the product page so we can get more info about the device?

Hi Kurt,

Last time I checked, was unable to debug my cobra over ethernet. Is this supported?

Yes you can debug over Ethernet :slight_smile: Just use static IP

I am I missing something here?
On any NETMF device, the whole system restarts including the USB service to start the debugging session. This is normal.
1.You press F5 in VC#,
2. VC# deploy the new application.
3. The board restarts ( you hear the USB unplug/Plug notification in windows)
4. The debugger attaches to the system and starts the debugging session.

Thanks Gus, I did not know that. When I tried it, VS just froze up. Thanks!

[quote]am I missing something here?
On any NETMF device, the whole system restarts including the USB service to start the debugging session. This is normal.
1.You press F5 in VC#,
2. VC# deploy the new application.
3. The board restarts ( you hear the USB unplug/Plug notification in windows)
4. The debugger attaches to the system and starts the debugging session.[/quote]

That’s what I said. Disconnection is a normal procedure for deploying. I still do not get what’s the error :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]Can you post a link to the product page so we can get more info about the device?[/quote] It’s in my first post here :wink:

If this is normal, then there’s no problem ! I only didn’t know it was normal, that’s all. I’ve never come across this until I use the hub. Also, I have sounds desactivated on my PC, thus not hearing plug/unplug sounds :-[

Josef explanation was helpful to understand what’s going on. Thanks a lot !

@ Foekie : the “problem” (maybe another term should be used now) is that I can’t debug over ethernet with the Belkin hub. Nothing more. It could have been useful, but it won’t :’( That’s not a vital thing, anyway, so the answers I’ve got here are enough for me.