What software components do I need to run FEZ Spider?

There are many software components needed to use FEZ Spider (or gadgeteer in general). To ease this, GHI developed an application that installs everything for you, including the USB drivers! Info on beta SDK is found here for now GHI Electronics – Where Hardware Meets Software (feel free to enhance this wiki page)

Installing Microsoft .NET Gadgeteer SDK is not enough. Here is what you need, but like explained, they are already included in the pack provided.

  1. Visual C# express 2010 (or professional if you have it) found at http://www.microsoft.com/express/Downloads/#2010-Visual-CS
  2. Microsoft’s NETMF SDK 4.1 (we are working on 4.2) found at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=cff5a7b7-c21c-4127-ac65-5516384da3a0
  3. GHI’s NETMF SDK 4.1 (included in pack)
  4. Microsoft’s .NET Gadgeteer SDK (included in pack)
  5. GHI’s .NET Gadgeteer SDK (included in pack)
  6. USB drivers (included in pack)
  7. Getting started guide (included in pack)

You also need an application to help you in updating the firmware on FEZ Spider mainboard. It is included in pack but it is not needed for now as we have shipped FEZ Spider kits/mainboards with latest firmware for your convenience.