I didn’t understand how to debug my device but now i do, well first a got a error when Glide was trying to load Gif images (FEZCerberus only seems to support bmp), i resolved that by removing all gif images and the references to them.
Then i got “Failed allocation for 3419 blocks, 41028 bytes” and i guess thats a indicator that FEZCerberus doesn’t have enough ram to run glide??
I didn’t think you could use Glide and the display libraries directly with the Cerberus because of limited resources. There isn’t enough memory for full bitmap manipualtion on that board. See the notes in the dev guide (https://www.ghielectronics.com/docs/59/display-n18-module).
That was my thought when I asked for error messages. The Cerberus has 112KB of available memory, and a 160x128 screen requires 82K of memory. I don’t know how buffering is done with the N18 module and Glide. They both may have buffers which could cause a memory shortage.
After a little debugging i noticed that this message was printed when glide tried to allocate the bitmap object!
How sad i have written a more or less complete project where im using Glide and now i can’t use it atleas not with Cerberus!
Well well its my own fault thanks for your quick responses!
Yes, be sure to take a look at the Developers Guide when considering a module. It often lists restrictions or considerations when using different main boards. Especially pat attention when using Cobra II, Cerberus, Medusa, and Lynx.
Well i managed to get rid of the memory shortage error but i had to remove a lot of code from Glide and add a Debug.GC(true); before it allocated the Bitmap…
Good idea, i tested the code Blue Hair Bob linked to and it worked so the display is functional. my first idea was that i broke some thing in Glide when removing all the code but if i use the same library with the emulator it still works :(…
Sorry, don’t want to sound flippant, but the challenge is in the size of the graphics bitmap/s. Glide, while better than WPF, is still not “light”; perhaps the Skewworks libraries are something you could look at although Thom has announced he isn’t maintaining them at the moment, so they are what they are… http://www.skewworks.com/picomax/ seems the right target for you?