Has anyone done any experiments with this shield: Video Experimenter – Assembled
No I do not, but I found that shield last week and had a look at it. It looks cool at first glance, it can even make bitmaps of the screen, but unfortunately it’s only in black and white.
I could see some use for this shield for some cool in-house projects, but since bitmaps are black and white I don’t see much use for it.
Saw a project where someone searched for particular words in talk shows and would automatically mute the tv using the shield and arduino.
Aw, so much promise; but black and white sucks unless it’s military
Yes, color bitmaps would rock. I hope there will be a version 2 with color support.
They blame it to arduino’s processing power, maybe FEZ can do it? ;D
I know Fez can do it!
EDIT: Hang on, Adruino is an 8 bit Processor? No wonder it can’t handle colour.
8bit has nothing to do with it. :). They are being “nasty” and bit banging the frame capture/overlay in software. To do color needs color bursts during the horizontal sync and much more precise timing.
Using this shield on the panda will require rewriting the arduno lib into RPL. This will NOT work in C#.
The answer is FEZ Gameo…search the wiki and this forum
But what for the other way around, Gus?
I would like to take a colored bitmap of a video signal, how to do this?
From what I’ve read so far of the manual for the parallax device (and I think GHI and Parallax should form a synergize) , the device itself is capable of video capture.
This is on my list to experiment with when I get the time but as Errol said it takes precise timing and isn’t that simple. The color was hacked on top of the B&W signal so they didn’t have to replace all the broadcast equipment when color was invented so it’s squeezed into a very small area. I would even guess that the video experimenter is not only black and white but also no shades of grey. The sync separator chip tells when the next video component is ready but the uC still has to do all the work.
If you just want some sort of video and don’t specifically need composite then you could just use a jpeg camera with a simple serial interface.
An 8 core 32bit RISC chip for less than 10 bucks. I would love love love to know if I can do real time video compression with it to augment fez’s capabilities.