Very slow write on SD card and USB pen drive

I’m using a FEZ Cobra II with .NET Micro Framework SDK 4.3.2.
I’m facing a problem of extra-slow write on SD card and USB pen drive.
This is a snippet of code I used to approximately measure the write time, for different file sizes:

        while (fffSize < 2000000) {   // 2000000
           string fffName = e.Volume.RootDirectory + @"\hello" + fffSize.ToString() + ".txt";
           if (!File.Exists(fffName)) {
              Debug.Print(System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss") + " - Started populating " + fffSize.ToString() + "-length array");
              //byte[] data = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("This string will go in the file!");
              data = new byte[fffSize];
              for (i=0; i<data.Length; i++)
                 data[i] = 48; 
              // write the data and close the file
              FileStream FileHandle = new FileStream(fffName, FileMode.Create);
              Debug.Print(System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss") + " - Started writing " + fffName);
              FileHandle.Write(data, 0, data.Length);
              data = null;
              Debug.Print(System.DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss") + " - Finished writing " + fffName);
              //mySdCard = null;
           fffSize *= 5;

And this is the debug output:

01-06-2011 00:05:23 - Started populating 1-length array
01-06-2011 00:05:23 - Started writing \SD\hello1.txt
01-06-2011 00:05:24 - Finished writing \SD\hello1.txt
01-06-2011 00:05:24 - Started populating 5-length array
01-06-2011 00:05:24 - Started writing \SD\hello5.txt
01-06-2011 00:05:25 - Finished writing \SD\hello5.txt
01-06-2011 00:05:25 - Started populating 25-length array
01-06-2011 00:05:26 - Started writing \SD\hello25.txt
01-06-2011 00:05:27 - Finished writing \SD\hello25.txt
01-06-2011 00:05:27 - Started populating 125-length array
01-06-2011 00:05:27 - Started writing \SD\hello125.txt
01-06-2011 00:05:28 - Finished writing \SD\hello125.txt
01-06-2011 00:05:28 - Started populating 625-length array
01-06-2011 00:05:28 - Started writing \SD\hello625.txt
01-06-2011 00:05:30 - Finished writing \SD\hello625.txt
01-06-2011 00:05:30 - Started populating 3125-length array
01-06-2011 00:05:30 - Started writing \SD\hello3125.txt
01-06-2011 00:05:33 - Finished writing \SD\hello3125.txt
01-06-2011 00:05:33 - Started populating 15625-length array
01-06-2011 00:05:34 - Started writing \SD\hello15625.txt
01-06-2011 00:05:44 - Finished writing \SD\hello15625.txt
01-06-2011 00:05:45 - Started populating 78125-length array
01-06-2011 00:05:47 - Started writing \SD\hello78125.txt
01-06-2011 00:06:42 - Finished writing \SD\hello78125.txt
01-06-2011 00:06:42 - Started populating 390625-length array
01-06-2011 00:06:56 - Started writing \SD\hello390625.txt
01-06-2011 00:11:03 - Finished writing \SD\hello390625.txt

The write time is so huge (4 minutes for 400 Kb) that I don’t think I need some “fine tuning”, I need to complete refactor the architecture or even change the hardware.

The same SD card, inserted in my laptop, has “normal” write time. The write/copy of files bigger than 1 Mb takes just “a while”.

When I try to copy/write files on USB pen drive, the write time is about the same as on SD.

you’re timing the whole process to close and flush the file, so you’re not doing a true test of absolute performance. Perhaps time each step in the process to see if there’s actually more detail in the close or flush perf?