Very basic Domino project using latest Net 4.0 SDK from GHI

Very basic Domino project using latest Net 4.0 SDK from GHI…
My first attempt mainly to try out the SD and LCD Shield…and simple XML text file reading…
The contents of the SD card is in the ZIP under SD1G (1gig uSD)…
Could probably use some more try/catches…also the XML reading currently throws out-of-memory exception…

The SD is structured as folders under folders and ultimatly to XML files…
The LCD Shield Up/Down buttons traverse through the current directory folders/files…Left/Right go backward/forward through subfolders…or into/out-of a files contents (which currently throws exception trying to XML.Read())…

Some power saving methods also…

Feedback highly welcomed…especially dealing with the XML usage (which just may not work on FEZ)…

Posted as ‘Basic GHI FEZ Domino SD and LCD Shield XML test/attempt’ at microframeworkprojects

One thing I have noticed is that you get all the bytes from the FileStream object and then you create a MemoryStream object with that content and pass it to XmlReader.
XmlReader will work directly with FileStream object.
This will help you with your out of memory exception.


XML reading is absolutely not as easy as reading a text file. I have struggled a lot with reading XML from SD and got it working. If you need help, just ask what you want to know :slight_smile: