Does the Fez Panda 2 have non volatile memory such as Ram/Flash memory for the user to access?
if so how does one access this memory to store and load data.
Does the Fez Panda 2 have non volatile memory such as Ram/Flash memory for the user to access?
if so how does one access this memory to store and load data.
Yes, both !
It has 4Kb of Flash. For more information see the SDK “InternalFlashStorage class” : http://www.ghielectronics.com/downloads/NETMF/Library%20Documentation/html/ccb0e435-a5e2-d315-9be4-b8de5a6fcc85.htm
It also has 2Kb of Battery saved RAM (you need a supercad or a little externa battery, such as the one included in the Fez connect shield to keep it powered, takes a few uA, and also powers th RTC clock). See the BatteryRAM Class http://www.ghielectronics.com/downloads/NETMF/Library%20Documentation/html/3da847e0-b69d-7dae-97c7-790bf9e0736f.htm
Have fun !
Does the FEZ draw power from the battery while powered via other means, for example, when connected to power via the VIN pin, or through USB?
Also, is there a definite figure for power draw? If I connected, for example, a CR2032 battery (3V, 225 mAh), how long could I reasonably expect it to last? Is there any way I could detect a low-battery condition?
This infomation should be available in the manual/specifications for the NXP (LPC2388 or LPC2387) chips.
Datasheet says:
IBATact - active mode battery supply current - 20 - μA
IBAT - battery supply current - Deep power-down mode - 20 - μA
I supposed this means that VBAT draws 20μA of current, regardless of powered-up-ness. VBAT however is tied to VCC through a Schottky diode, so VCC is charging the supercap while powered.
What does this mean for a simple battery? Will putting a simple CR2032 across VBAT and GND kill the battery since it’s connected to VCC while VCC is powered?