I find the New Topic and Reply buttons to be confusing the way they are now. I click new topic to start a new topic - makes sense. Then I edit the topic and have to hit new topic again. But is that really what I want? I want to submit the post I am editing, not start another new topic. I get that the “New Topic” is contextual and I can see why it might be how it is, but I always have to take a second look to make sure i am hitting the right button and I am not about to lose the edit I just made by starting a different new topic.
It is the same with reply. I hit reply and after editing, I need to reply again. But I have to make sure it doesn’t mean that I am about to start a new reply, but only complete the reply I am working on.
So, I suggest that the page where i edit my topic or reply have a different label on the button. Maybe “Post New Topic” and “Post Reply” or “Submit Topic” or maybe even “Save”.
Ok, I am done - but wait, that button below the edit box says “New Topic”… is that what I want? I want to save the topic I am working on now. Ahhh, I don’t know. But I don’t see any other options! I guess i will click it and see what happens. But I think I will make a copy of my post to the clipboard just in case. Here goes, fingers crossed…