Usb serial module Tx

Hello again!

Question about the drivers for the usb serial port module -

On my computer from the device manager, I see under Ports (COM & LPT),
a USB Serial Port (COM3) using the driver from FTDI.

But, also, I see under USB Virtualization, a USB Virtualization Connector Driver using
a Microsoft driver. Does anyone know if that is correct or should that also be a FTDI


Hello again -

I got the usb-serial module to work again.
I think it could be something to do with the drivers.

I completely shutdown my computer and disconnected everything.
Then rebooted, and with no com ports available, reinstalled the FTDI
software, then powered on the spider, plugged in the usb but
also lowered the baud rate down to 9600 from 115200.

I had re-installed and powered down before, but for some reason it
worked this time -

As for the SDModule - I ordered another one…

I don’t know details but perhaps you can get some Information from this link

( AN_107_AdvancedDriverOptions)

Hi Dave,
Did the new one work?
Cheers Roland

Everyone should also have a few cp2102 USB-TTL modules from ebay as a “check stuff” device. Best $10 you can spend if you’re doing serial work.

Hi RoSchmi,

I did get another SD card module, but it is the same problem.

It bombs in the InitializeModules of the generated code :

this.sdCard = new GTM.GHIElectronics.SDCard(5);

line above causes this output:

Using mainboard GHI Electronics FEZSpider version 1.0
#### Exception System.Exception - 0xffffffff (1) ####
#### Message:
#### GHI.Premium.IO.PersistentStorage::.ctor [IP: 0000] ####
#### GHIElectronics.Gadgeteer.FEZSpider::MountStorageDevice [IP: 0005] ####
#### Gadgeteer.Modules.GHIElectronics.SDCard::MountSDCard [IP: 000f] ####
#### led_Sim.Program::InitializeModules [IP: 002f] ####
A first chance exception of type ‘System.Exception’ occurred in GHI.Premium.IO.dll
WARN: Total initialization time exceeds 10 seconds.
: ProgramStarted is blocking execution, which means events and timers will not run properly.
: Make sure not to use blocking code such as while(true) - use a GT.Timer instead.
SDCard ERROR : Error mounting SD card - no card detected.

I am using a usb stick for now. I tried 2 different sd cards as mentioned before, maybe can try another at some point. I think maybe it would be helpful if there is someone who got the sd module to work show their code, maybe there is some reference missing but
it is hard to see because the code only complains when it executes that generated line…


Ok - Now I have another spider board and put the SDCard module on it, and it works.

I hadn’t had time over the past couple weeks to work on this, but today, I’ll try to see why it
works on the new spider board but not the old one which I had just tried today.

I’ll start to add in things like the display, extender, etc to see if the new one continues to work or not…


@ dave001 -
yes, it seems to be faulty hardware, bad soldering, bad cable, bad output or shortcut on the spider board. Perhaps inspecting the Spider with a magnifying glass shows the reason.
Around 100 $ for a defective board, thats painful.
Cheers Roland