USB modem

I’ new to FEZ. I would like to know where I can download v3 of ghi netmf. I need that because on one the forum thread I said that v3 supported Sierra USB modem.
Basically, I need support for USB modem …

Thank you

USB modems are supported when they use serial over USB, on current versions. What modem do you have?

Hi Brett,

I have sierra 875U (USB) and 881U (USB).
I might also use huawei e160 or such…

So, do you mean I need to do USB swtich mode and then treat the modem as serial modem ?

and refference codes that I can look at …?
Thank you.


We don’t have an official code. But many of the community members tried it and posted about it on this forum and I am not sure what USB modems they used.