USB device ports

Hello All,

Let me try to explain a project i am working on. I want a small device that has a microprocessor i can program and that can connect to the usb port on a pc. The pc will send a string to the device and the usb device will send a string back. It sound simple but then this device will implement more intelligence of it not just sending the stings back. But for a start that is the only thing i want. (It might sound stupid but this is a phd project and have non disclosure agreement on what i can say)

The USB divice has to be HDI like that no drivers need to be installed on the user side.

Now since i am confortable with c# this is a very good device. I found something similar that is done with a pic micro controller but i do not feel like investing in such a device becuase i will be limitedin what i can do late on.

Now here are my questions?

Forwhich device i need to go, as i understand correctmeif i am wrong the USB host on the DOmino is only used if i want to connect externalUSB peripherals to the board. Is that right.

SO i am assuming (hope not making an ass of me :D)that what i need for this is the USB device interface which is found on both devies. Due to the nature of the project i would go for the mini as all the intelligence will be on the processor and no logging or huge data will be stored on the device.

Thanks in advance for the answer. I really like the idea and would like to use it in my project.


Fez does not currently emulate a HID device, although that IS something the GHI team are working on making it do. There are plans, but I can’t comment on how timely those may arrive; so it would depend on what your desired schedule would be whether Fez is going to help you or not…

At the moment the USB port on the device only works as a debug mechanism. You could however use serial connection to do what you want ( Fez can handle that freakin easy) but you’d still need a serial/usb converter and drivers for that, so your initial driver-less goals wouldn’t be met. But it might be a good starting point/proving ground and give you the breathing time you need?

We have already implemented what you need in 3.0 firmware and now we are moving the support to 4.0. I would say 2 to 4 weeks and we will have this ready.

For now, use the serial port to transfer the data and later on, and with only very few lines of code, you can change your project to use USB.

Once our implementation is complete, you will be able to connect over us and this will give you a virtual com port…so it is still serial port as far as PC is concerned.

You need FEZ Mini starter kit + order the serial USB cable with it. You will be able to get your project started in very short time.