Group I’m in is in quite a bit of trouble. We have a tightly-integrated system that relies on the Panda II-- and as of last week, these have stopped selling on sparkfun, or anywhere that we can get fast.
In order to accomodate the need for the rest of the system, we’recurrently working on designing a board that accepts the G120 SoM and breaks out the IO to the Panda II footprint. Our group has plenty of experience with board development, but we aren’t sure that the software migration will be as straightfoward. Does anybody have experience migrating software between the GHI processor families? How much refactor and rewrite would be expected?
Would going to a Cerbuino to simply test work? I was thinking this as Pandas (correct me if I am wrong) were Adruino header based – unless you need the GHI Premium libraries.
Or you contact GHI directly and see what they have to say.
One of the great advantages of NETMF is in the hardware abstraction. The code should be the same or very close from one hardware to another. You are only using basic features so all should be easy.
Note that some changes were done as you are using 4.1 on panda and will switch to 4.2 on G120 (4.3 in the future) so things have changed, like analog is now part of the core.