
As of today, I can see no unread topics. However, see new topics in forum. I cleared cookies with no change. Is there something else I can reset on browser? tia

Logging out helped me.

If unread is not working for you, please visit the log in page (this will log you out). Please re-log in to fix the issue.


I did just that and still don’t see View Unread Messages. Chrome v10.

OK, now they just appeared.

I think it is back to normal? We will know by seeing more posts or not!

I’ve just cleared the browsing history and logged out then back in again…

No dice.

Cheers Ian

And now, mine doesn’t work any more either. :frowning:

Yep, something definitely screwed up with unread messages…

Let’s see how things are from here on out :slight_smile:

Mine are back now.

Had that problem yesterday for one time, after that everything worked fine.

I’m getting the unread messages not disappearing once I read them - the only way I can clear that is to hit the mark-as-read button. We’ve seen this before but I don’t know what, if anything, was changed to resolve it.

I’m running IE9 RTM on Win7 for a couple of weeks now, I’ve cleared cache and still no joy.

Edit: the “welcome back” message appears all the time at the moment too; something like a server session or cookie check change ?

mmmm working now.

Edit: oeps i miss read this topic… i see the topic but i see duplicates :wink:

Finally i was thinking i was the only one seeing double or triple for weeks now , And i was not drinking at al. Or was i?

The problems started with the launch of the new website theme.

And i see them still today.

The site rocks.

PS. Josh can i hiring for some nice web design :stuck_out_tongue:

Starting today unread is not working for me. I have cleared the cache and restarted IE8. Anyone having problems?

unfortunately (for you), working fine for me at the moment.

Okay here using chrome and iPhone

Now different issue. Can see 1 new post. But after reading it, the New never goes away.

Just click on logout ( It doesn’t log you out) then read the posts.

Temporary solution.

Cheers Ian