Transition to GHI Electronics

Small typo in codeshare redirects :

clicking on gives
link with “codshare” going nowhere.

@ fradav - Thanks

I’ve made unread page as a tile on wp8 and it is empty even though community page below user avatars shows the history correctly. Unread section on community page is empty as well.

Another issue. Topic name links in +1 entries in the history on the community page are wrong.

Are old codeshare links still going to work?

@ Josh, here’s a capture to try to identify it. It’s a CSS issue, but I suspect it’s been around for a while.

When I look at the Latest Activity page (image on the left) there’s an amount of space between the bounding box and the title. Then, when I click the first link, the space between the bounding box and title shrinks, and the link I clicked actually moves away from the mouse. The image on the right is the “shrunk” version, that I managed to get a screen shot of before the link click went thru (although mouse cursor disappeared… it was between the first and 2nd line in the table)

I really like the new look, but some things aren’t working yet…

  • need to click most links twice before they will respond.
  • code share links end up at a dead-end.
  • after more than 8 hours away from the site, I had no unread messages.
  • tried to logout using the menu under my username, but could only click the first item. The menu retracts if I move the cursor down further.
  • the pointer cursor never seems to appear.

@ Gus - ooo you tease! Nice pic

These are the cropped avatars I see (screenshot):

Update – IE10’s Compatibility View causes the image cropping. When I turn compatibility view off, the pictures look fine.

Yay, VB now supported in Code Share :slight_smile:

Hmm, clicking links in posts seems to cause replies to appear in interesting places.

Any idea when Insider will be back? I need some schematics that are in there… :slight_smile:

Double posts!!!

Lol, fun… :slight_smile:

Which one…

The circuit diagram from Make It Dance, which I don’t think can be posted outside Insider…

Was that posted??? must have missed it…

thankx for supporting VB code in Codeshare

Sorry, I don’t like the new font, the old font was easier to read.
(maybe I need glasses)

Yeah, was posted on page two or three… :frowning:

Was that posted? Wow I need to become an insider :slight_smile: