TInyClr: Running out of stack kills Visual Studio?

I have encountered a crash of Visual Studio 2019 when running out of memory for the stack with TinyClr 2.0 preview 6. Can someone check to see if it is reproducible, and not local to my setup?

Here is the test program;

using System.Collections;

namespace TestOutOfMemory
    class Program
        static void Main()

        static void Recusive()

After running this code, there is an brief allocation failure message in the output window, and then Visual Studio closes.

When the same code is run on Windows, as a console app, the debugger shows a stack overflow exception. Visual Studio does not crash.

Don’t ask me how I found this…

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We would never ask or doubt the Mike :nerd_face:

Here it is Running out of stack kills Visual Studio · Issue #586 · ghi-electronics/TinyCLR-Libraries · GitHub