The FEZ Story

Oh 9/1/12, that gives me time to actually get some dosh together!

Sweet! Thanks!

Will wait till mountaineer shows up.

GOT IT! :smiley:

Come on guys.

I think this is not clear guys, the coupon is one time coupon. It is for all one time not one time per user. In other words, only one person can use this and only one time :slight_smile:



Gus, can you please cancel my order then. I don’t want to burn that coupon, someone probably will benefit more from it.

My vote would be for all folks who earn a decent living to let cashed strapped young noob123 use it, IF he can find it :slight_smile:

GHI has given us plenty of good deals… there will be more.

No you guys found it, you can use it. besides I think it’s kinda unfair.

I think you were the first to find it so ti only fair but I think next time we can make this more challenging and detail the allowed coupon usage better.

Thanks for the background … didn’t know that Joe & Gus were related.

I love my all FEZ stuff (Domino, Spider and various modules) - it certainly is “Fast & Easy!”

Looking forward to your upcoming offers!

Looks like Ian was able to sneak a large order in at half price :slight_smile: Looks like a glitch in the system as it should have been one only but it is our fault so enjoy your order.

Was the key the acceptable module types on the socket?

I don’t see a code…

Coupon was SPIDERWEB

I’ll have to round up all my FEZ Spiders and have birthday cake tonight. Congrads guys, you nailed the vision, build great products, provide exceptional support, created a great community and earned the success. Keep the cool stuff coming and keep feeding my Gadgeteer addiction.

TShirts and even a FEZ Monkey sticker for my laptop would be very cool.

I remember, back in the olde days, when the pending arrival of the first Panda was the big excitement. Now, the Panda seems ancient.

I want Coupon :((

(-_-) Thanks. As soon as you said there was only one ticket I threw in everything I’d been thinking about getting +1. It must be my birthday too!

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