TFT w/ G120


I’ve got a shiny new 7" 800x480 TFT display all hooked up to my G120 and now I’m stuck. I have no idea how to start making this thing do anything.

It is a DisplayTech DT070ATFT-TS ( which I guess has a Himax HX8264-D02 controller (

I’ve got it wired up to the RGB sockets on the G120HDR with unused low bits tied to MSB. All of the other connections are made except a couple pins that look like they control refresh direction on both axes and the backlight, which I have powered externally for now.

So now what? I have no idea what to do. I would be happy to light up one pixel…


I would get the Gadgeteer source code from and see how it initializes the cp7 display module.

Your display requires about 5 or 6 different voltages including -7v. Are these set properly?

Getting those voltage right is usually more work than anything else.

Gus -

Yes, the wildly different voltages required were an unwelcome surprise and it took me a few days to get that all worked out. I’m giving it +15 and -8 (instead of the nominal +16/-7) but that’s well within spec.

At this point it’s not a case of “I’m talking to it but it’s not doing anything” - it’s that I don’t know how to start talking to it.

Mike - thanks for the suggestion - I’ll check it out.

Gus - does what Mike suggested sound like a reasonable place for me to start?

The only reason I’m using this blasted display is that it is the only 7" display that will fit in the enclosure I must use. Every other display I’ve found is 2-4mm too big in the x axis.

You can follow Mike’s advice but I think this is easier, our display’s config are here

@ Gus -

I’m having trouble boarding the FEZ Hydra rev 1.2 with LINUX
already opened a question on the forum: rajesh trying to help me …
I wonder if there is any documentation to version 1.2 because I’m having trouble, you could look at the question I opened it.
sorry my english…

Thank you, I await contact

@ malconxx - Linux on Hydra is not an issue regularly supported by GHI as the entirety of the effort is community driven. We, at GHI, have only commenced limited testing in our personal time. Rajesh is the one who created the tutorial and probably has more experience with Linux on the Hydra than most of the community combined. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and thank you for your support of GHI!

@ James - I might be wrong, but I think the question here is if there is any documentation highlighting the differences between the Hydra rev 1.1 and rev 1.2. Between Rajesh and @ malconxx they have identified this as a difference between them which leads me to think that the question is regarding the differences between the revs.

Of course I have no clue why the question is on this specific thread :slight_smile:

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