Task Tracker - Unable to update firmware when AD4 is connected to GND

I just posted Unable to update firmware when AD4 is connected to GND on Task Tracker. Feel free to discuss and make suggestions here.

There is no solution for this beside a change on the loader itself, which we are discussing internally. This is very sensitive change and we have to take all sides under consideration.

Per my suggestion here, https://www.ghielectronics.com/community/forum/topic?id=14280&page=1#msg145312 the best way in your case maybe a direct contact to learn about your (commercial?) needs and how can we solve this together.

@ Gus -

Hi Gus, I just saw your post… How do you prefer me to join ?

Skype ? Phone ? Mail ?

Can you also remember me how many hours there’s between Paris(FR) and you ?

Email is fine. Use the contact us page and ask for Gary and give him a link to this post please.

Just done !

Unable to update firmware when AD4 is connected to GND was updated.

Status went from Proposed to Open.
Priority went from Unassigned to Minor.