Task Tracker - "Task Tracker" only appears if on the Community page, not in the Forum menus

I just posted “Task Tracker” only appears if on the Community page, not in the Forum menus on Task Tracker. Feel free to discuss and make suggestions here.

“Task Tracker” only appears if on the Community page, not in the Forum menus was updated.

Status went from Proposed to Closed.
[line]This is a separate feature from the forum, just like code share for example.

The only place a link to the task tracker is visible is when you’re on the community home page. That’s the problem. It’s not visible when you click on “Support”, or when you’re in a post in the forum or a codeshare post. It’s not even visible when you’re in the “suggestions” section of the forum, where it kind of makes most sense for it to be. Just seems too good a feature to have “hidden” by putting it in one page only !!

Same for code share, you only see it when on the community home page. Our creations…etc

not quite.

For codeshare, I can go to any page on the site and use the search box and change the drop down to Codeshare and get valid info.

Creations, yes, that’s the only discoverable place.

Anyway, I just think that this is an important piece that can be needed at any time, so making it easier to get to would help improve the quality and timeliness of these feedback points - anyone else with thoughts/feelings want to weigh in before I drop this ? ( :slight_smile: )

Sorry but I agree with Brett please make it available throughout.