Sudden USBizi deploy problems -solved

Hi Ghi-Team,

i am working with the usbizi since 2 years but i have never faced this problem up to now. From one download to another deploying doesn’t work anymore.
To my setup: i am using the “older” chip-version of Usbizi (BL 1.04) Win7-32, MS Visual Studio 2010 (also tried Microsoft Visual C# 2010 Express), NetMF 4.1 and latest GHI NETFM v4.1 from 6.1.2012)

The behaviour is that i can deploy my source code only once, afterwards the USbizi can not be accessed anymore (tried with MS Deploy tool and Visual Studio). So i have to erase the complete program with the bootloader or reprogram the GHI firmware with the UISBizi firmare-update tool.
I have tried to create a small program using GHI libraries, this worked!
Also tried to create a new project and add my code files there, but this shows the same failure behaviour.
Tried to remove/add the assemblies to the project… no luck…
The debug screen for the first possible deploy shows a code size of around 137 kByte (for all Assemblies) so i think this should be ok? I can provide the detailed output later if required. The error messages which will sometime come up when trying to deploy (before the one working deploy) are like this:.

An error has occurred: please check your hardware.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Source: Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug
Stack :
at Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.VsProjectFlavorCfg.Deploy() in c:\depot\current\CLIENT_V4_1\Framework\CorDebug\VsProjectFlavorCfg.cs

Do you have any idea how i can solve this problem?

greetings F.

What is your code look like, just curious? Have you tried something very simple like the default led blinking application?

Start with fresh firmware update and fresh empty project and let us know how it goes please.


@ Architect:
globally my project consists of an USBizi chip beside some other hardware like an serial flash, mp3 decoder and a microcontroller on an self developed pcb (but too bad, i have no led blinking module ;D ) . The whole project (software and hardware) was stable up to now and i have never experienced problems in deploying the software. (Also while using the older versions, NETMF 3…) The strange thing is that i had no big source changes (just moved out the Text.UTF8 conversation from the code) when the deploy problem started… I have already tried to change back to the source code versions before the deploy problems… but no luck…
The size of my project’s pe file is around 64kByte (Debug Mode, “Optimize Code” enabled), i use following assemblies:
So i think the used code size should be in range of possible flash size, is this correct?

@ Gus:
I have erased the USBIzi flash (with Tera Term) and reprogramed a fresh firmware. Afterwards i created a simple “Hello World” program (i hope this is ok for a “empty” project?).
Deploying works fine without any problems!
I have traced the Device capabilities after a fresh firmware update:

Pinging... TinyCLR
HalSystemInfo.oemCode:                  0
HalSystemInfo.modelCode:                0
HalSystemInfo.skuCode:                  0
ClrInfo.clrVersion:                     4.1.2821.0
ClrInfo.clrVendorInfo:                  Microsoft Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rig
ClrInfo.targetFrameworkVersion:         4.1.2821.0
SolutionReleaseInfo.solutionVendorInfo: GHI Electronics, LLC
SoftwareVersion.BuildDate:              Dec 22 2011
SoftwareVersion.CompilerVersion:        410561
FloatingPoint:                          True
SourceLevelDebugging:                   True
ThreadCreateEx:                         True
LCD.Width:                              0
LCD.Height:                             0
LCD.BitsPerPixel:                       0
AppDomains:                             True
ExceptionFilters:                       True
IncrementalDeployment:                  True
SoftReboot:                             True
Profiling:                              False
ProfilingAllocations:                   False
ProfilingCalls:                         False
IsUnknown:                              False

And the assembly summary after firmware update:

Reboot and Stop Command
No debugger!
Create TS.
 Loading start at 4eb34, end 56d0c
Attaching file.
Assembly: mscorlib (4.1.2821.0) (3880 RAM - 33236 ROM - 19134 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   TypeRef        =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   FieldRef       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   MethodRef      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   TypeDef        =     1112 bytes (     139 elements)
   FieldDef       =      272 bytes (     135 elements)
   MethodDef      =     1572 bytes (     786 elements)

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   TypeSpec        =       16 bytes (       4 elements)
   Resources       =      232 bytes (      29 elements)
   Resources Files =       16 bytes (       2 elements)
   Resources Data  =      437 bytes
   Strings         =     1551 bytes
   Signatures      =     2126 bytes
   ByteCode        =    11702 bytes

Loading Deployment Assemblies.

Total: (3092 RAM - 33236 ROM - 19134 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   TypeRef        =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   FieldRef       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   MethodRef      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   TypeDef        =     1112 bytes (     139 elements)
   FieldDef       =      272 bytes (     135 elements)
   MethodDef      =     1572 bytes (     786 elements)

   DebuggingInfo  =      788 bytes

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   TypeSpec        =       16 bytes (       4 elements)
   Resources Files =       48 bytes (       2 elements)
   Resources       =      232 bytes (      29 elements)
   Resources Data  =      437 bytes
   Strings         =     1551 bytes
   Signatures      =     2126 bytes
   ByteCode        =    11702 bytes

Cannot find any entrypoint!
Waiting for debug commands...
No debugger!
Create TS.
 Loading start at 4eb34, end 56d0c
Attaching file.
Assembly: mscorlib (4.1.2821.0) (3880 RAM - 33236 ROM - 19134 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   TypeRef        =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   FieldRef       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   MethodRef      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   TypeDef        =     1112 bytes (     139 elements)
   FieldDef       =      272 bytes (     135 elements)
   MethodDef      =     1572 bytes (     786 elements)

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   TypeSpec        =       16 bytes (       4 elements)
   Resources       =      232 bytes (      29 elements)
   Resources Files =       16 bytes (       2 elements)
   Resources Data  =      437 bytes
   Strings         =     1551 bytes

   Signatures      =     2126 bytes
   ByteCode        =    11702 bytes

Loading Deployment Assemblies.

Total: (3092 RAM - 33236 ROM - 19134 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   TypeRef        =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   FieldRef       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   MethodRef      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   TypeDef        =     1112 bytes (     139 elements)
   FieldDef       =      272 bytes (     135 elements)
   MethodDef      =     1572 bytes (     786 elements)

   DebuggingInfo  =      788 bytes

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   TypeSpec        =       16 bytes (       4 elements)
   Resources Files =       48 bytes (       2 elements)
   Resources       =      232 bytes (      29 elements)
   Resources Data  =      437 bytes
   Strings         =     1551 bytes
   Signatures      =     2126 bytes
   ByteCode        =    11702 bytes

Cannot find any entrypoint!
Waiting for debug commands...
Reboot and Stop Complete

and for the “Hello World” project (printed with .NET MF Deployment Tool):

Waiting for debug commands...
No debugger!
Create TS.
 Loading start at 4eb34, end 56d0c
Attaching file.
Assembly: mscorlib (4.1.2821.0) (3880 RAM - 33236 ROM - 19134 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   TypeRef        =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   FieldRef       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   MethodRef      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   TypeDef        =     1112 bytes (     139 elements)
   FieldDef       =      272 bytes (     135 elements)
   MethodDef      =     1572 bytes (     786 elements)

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   TypeSpec        =       16 bytes (       4 elements)
   Resources       =      232 bytes (      29 elements)
   Resources Files =       16 bytes (       2 elements)
   Resources Data  =      437 bytes
   Strings         =     1551 bytes
   Signatures      =     2126 bytes
   ByteCode        =    11702 bytes

Loading Deployment Assemblies.
Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Graphics (4.1.2821.0) (388 RAM - 2268 ROM - 1357 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =        8 bytes (       2 elements)
   TypeRef        =       24 bytes (       6 elements)
   FieldRef       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   MethodRef      =       20 bytes (       5 elements)
   TypeDef        =       40 bytes (       5 elements)
   FieldDef       =       16 bytes (       8 elements)
   MethodDef      =       96 bytes (      48 elements)

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   TypeSpec        =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   Resources       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   Resources Files =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   Resources Data  =        0 bytes
   Strings         =      537 bytes
   Signatures      =      293 bytes
   ByteCode        =      242 bytes

Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GHIElectronics.NETMF.USBHost ( (1668 RAM - 15824 ROM - 7067 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =       16 bytes (       4 elements)
   TypeRef        =       92 bytes (      23 elements)
   FieldRef       =       12 bytes (       3 elements)
   MethodRef      =       88 bytes (      22 elements)
   TypeDef        =      376 bytes (      47 elements)
   FieldDef       =      280 bytes (     139 elements)
   MethodDef      =      444 bytes (     221 elements)

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   TypeSpec        =        4 bytes (       1 elements)
   Resources       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   Resources Files =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   Resources Data  =        0 bytes
   Strings         =     3948 bytes
   Signatures      =      855 bytes
   ByteCode        =     4683 bytes

Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GHIElectronics.NETMF.System ( (488 RAM - 2496 ROM - 1465 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =       12 bytes (       3 elements)
   TypeRef        =       48 bytes (      12 elements)
   FieldRef       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   MethodRef      =       56 bytes (      14 elements)
   TypeDef        =       80 bytes (      10 elements)
   FieldDef       =       28 bytes (      14 elements)
   MethodDef      =       84 bytes (      41 elements)

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   TypeSpec        =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   Resources       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   Resources Files =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   Resources Data  =        0 bytes
   Strings         =      549 bytes
   Signatures      =      213 bytes
   ByteCode        =      349 bytes

Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.IO (4.1.2821.0) (740 RAM - 4620 ROM - 2522 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =       12 bytes (       3 elements)
   TypeRef        =       76 bytes (      19 elements)
   FieldRef       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   MethodRef      =      112 bytes (      28 elements)
   TypeDef        =      120 bytes (      15 elements)
   FieldDef       =       72 bytes (      35 elements)
   MethodDef      =      140 bytes (      70 elements)

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   TypeSpec        =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   Resources       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   Resources Files =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   Resources Data  =        0 bytes
   Strings         =      676 bytes
   Signatures      =      350 bytes
   ByteCode        =     1295 bytes

Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Native (4.1.2821.0) (1144 RAM - 6516 ROM - 4479 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =        4 bytes (       1 elements)
   TypeRef        =       80 bytes (      20 elements)
   FieldRef       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   MethodRef      =       60 bytes (      15 elements)
   TypeDef        =      336 bytes (      42 elements)
   FieldDef       =      192 bytes (      95 elements)
   MethodDef      =      224 bytes (     111 elements)

   Attributes      =       48 bytes (       6 elements)
   TypeSpec        =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   Resources       =       72 bytes (       9 elements)
   Resources Files =        8 bytes (       1 elements)
   Resources Data  =      747 bytes
   Strings         =      648 bytes
   Signatures      =      595 bytes
   ByteCode        =      418 bytes

Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: USBizi Application ( (260 RAM - 792 ROM - 379 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =        8 bytes (       2 elements)
   TypeRef        =       40 bytes (      10 elements)
   FieldRef       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   MethodRef      =       28 bytes (       7 elements)
   TypeDef        =       24 bytes (       3 elements)
   FieldDef       =        4 bytes (       2 elements)
   MethodDef      =       12 bytes (       5 elements)

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   TypeSpec        =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   Resources       =       16 bytes (       2 elements)
   Resources Files =        8 bytes (       1 elements)
   Resources Data  =       13 bytes
   Strings         =      134 bytes
   Signatures      =       51 bytes
   ByteCode        =       96 bytes

Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GHIElectronics.NETMF.Hardware.USBizi ( (172 RAM - 304 ROM - 95 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =        4 bytes (       1 elements)
   TypeRef        =        4 bytes (       1 elements)
   FieldRef       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   MethodRef      =        4 bytes (       1 elements)
   TypeDef        =       16 bytes (       2 elements)
   FieldDef       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   MethodDef      =        4 bytes (       1 elements)

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   TypeSpec        =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   Resources       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   Resources Files =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   Resources Data  =        0 bytes
   Strings         =       75 bytes
   Signatures      =        3 bytes
   ByteCode        =        5 bytes

Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: GHIElectronics.NETMF.IO ( (212 RAM - 664 ROM - 289 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =        8 bytes (       2 elements)
   TypeRef        =       12 bytes (       3 elements)
   FieldRef       =        8 bytes (       2 elements)
   MethodRef      =        4 bytes (       1 elements)
   TypeDef        =        8 bytes (       1 elements)
   FieldDef       =        4 bytes (       2 elements)
   MethodDef      =       20 bytes (       9 elements)

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   TypeSpec        =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   Resources       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   Resources Files =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   Resources Data  =        0 bytes
   Strings         =      212 bytes
   Signatures      =       33 bytes
   ByteCode        =       36 bytes

Attaching deployed file.
Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware (4.1.2821.0) (1752 RAM - 11440 ROM - 7371 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =        8 bytes (       2 elements)
   TypeRef        =      124 bytes (      31 elements)
   FieldRef       =       24 bytes (       6 elements)
   MethodRef      =      120 bytes (      30 elements)
   TypeDef        =      496 bytes (      62 elements)
   FieldDef       =      176 bytes (      88 elements)
   MethodDef      =      444 bytes (     222 elements)

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   TypeSpec        =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   Resources       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   Resources Files =        0 bytes (       0 elements)
   Resources Data  =        0 bytes
   Strings         =     1329 bytes
   Signatures      =     1067 bytes
   ByteCode        =     2611 bytes


Total: (9168 RAM - 78160 ROM - 44158 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =       80 bytes (      20 elements)
   TypeRef        =      500 bytes (     125 elements)
   FieldRef       =       44 bytes (      11 elements)
   MethodRef      =      492 bytes (     123 elements)
   TypeDef        =     2608 bytes (     326 elements)
   FieldDef       =     1044 bytes (     518 elements)
   MethodDef      =     3040 bytes (    1514 elements)

   DebuggingInfo  =     1536 bytes

   Attributes      =       48 bytes (       6 elements)
   TypeSpec        =       20 bytes (       5 elements)
   Resources Files =       96 bytes (       4 elements)
   Resources       =      320 bytes (      40 elements)
   Resources Data  =     1197 bytes
   Strings         =     9659 bytes
   Signatures      =     5586 bytes
   ByteCode        =    21437 bytes

Hello World!
Waiting for debug commands...
Reboot and Stop Complete

When i now try to deploy my project following message appears:

Incrementally deploying assemblies to device
Deploying assemblies for a total size of 141728 bytes
Assemblies not successfully deployed to device.
Deployment to the device was not successful.

It’s strange that now around 141 kByte needed to be downloaded?
But sometimes it is possible to deploy my project (when i first hit deploy inside MSVisual Studio and afterwards power on my device), but after deploying i cannot connect to the device any more (or re-deploy). But i can get the startup summary list from the visual studio when i try to deploy again (although deploy does not finish successfully):

 Loading start at 4eb34, end 56d0c

Attaching file.

Assembly: mscorlib (4.1.2821.0) (3880 RAM - 33236 ROM - 19134 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   TypeRef        =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   FieldRef       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   MethodRef      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   TypeDef        =     1112 bytes (     139 elements)

   FieldDef       =      272 bytes (     135 elements)

   MethodDef      =     1572 bytes (     786 elements)

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   TypeSpec        =       16 bytes (       4 elements)

   Resources       =      232 bytes (      29 elements)

   Resources Files =       16 bytes (       2 elements)

   Resources Data  =      437 bytes

   Strings         =     1551 bytes

   Signatures      =     2126 bytes

   ByteCode        =    11702 bytes

Loading Deployment Assemblies.

Attaching deployed file.

Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.IO (4.1.2821.0) (740 RAM - 4620 ROM - 2522 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =       12 bytes (       3 elements)

   TypeRef        =       76 bytes (      19 elements)

   FieldRef       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   MethodRef      =      112 bytes (      28 elements)

   TypeDef        =      120 bytes (      15 elements)

   FieldDef       =       72 bytes (      35 elements)

   MethodDef      =      140 bytes (      70 elements)

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   TypeSpec        =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources Files =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources Data  =        0 bytes

   Strings         =      676 bytes

   Signatures      =      350 bytes

   ByteCode        =     1295 bytes

Attaching deployed file.

Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Graphics (4.1.2821.0) (388 RAM - 2268 ROM - 1357 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =        8 bytes (       2 elements)

   TypeRef        =       24 bytes (       6 elements)

   FieldRef       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   MethodRef      =       20 bytes (       5 elements)

   TypeDef        =       40 bytes (       5 elements)

   FieldDef       =       16 bytes (       8 elements)

   MethodDef      =       96 bytes (      48 elements)

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   TypeSpec        =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources Files =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources Data  =        0 bytes

   Strings         =      537 bytes

   Signatures      =      293 bytes

   ByteCode        =      242 bytes

Attaching deployed file.

Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware (4.1.2821.0) (1752 RAM - 11440 ROM - 7371 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =        8 bytes (       2 elements)

   TypeRef        =      124 bytes (      31 elements)

   FieldRef       =       24 bytes (       6 elements)

   MethodRef      =      120 bytes (      30 elements)

   TypeDef        =      496 bytes (      62 elements)

   FieldDef       =      176 bytes (      88 elements)

   MethodDef      =      444 bytes (     222 elements)

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   TypeSpec        =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources Files =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources Data  =        0 bytes

   Strings         =     1329 bytes

   Signatures      =     1067 bytes

   ByteCode        =     2611 bytes

Attaching deployed file.

Assembly: System (4.1.2821.0) (872 RAM - 5992 ROM - 3206 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =       12 bytes (       3 elements)

   TypeRef        =       76 bytes (      19 elements)

   FieldRef       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   MethodRef      =      172 bytes (      43 elements)

   TypeDef        =      144 bytes (      18 elements)

   FieldDef       =       56 bytes (      28 elements)

   MethodDef      =      184 bytes (      92 elements)

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   TypeSpec        =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources Files =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources Data  =        0 bytes

   Strings         =       21 bytes

   Signatures      =      546 bytes

   ByteCode        =     2635 bytes

Attaching deployed file.

Assembly: GHIElectronics.NETMF.Hardware.USBizi ( (172 RAM - 304 ROM - 95 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =        4 bytes (       1 elements)

   TypeRef        =        4 bytes (       1 elements)

   FieldRef       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   MethodRef      =        4 bytes (       1 elements)

   TypeDef        =       16 bytes (       2 elements)

   FieldDef       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   MethodDef      =        4 bytes (       1 elements)

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   TypeSpec        =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources Files =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources Data  =        0 bytes

   Strings         =       75 bytes

   Signatures      =        3 bytes

   ByteCode        =        5 bytes

Attaching deployed file.

Assembly: CarBox ( (2616 RAM - 64520 ROM - 10896 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =       36 bytes (       9 elements)

   TypeRef        =      268 bytes (      67 elements)

   FieldRef       =       56 bytes (      14 elements)

   MethodRef      =      388 bytes (      97 elements)

   TypeDef        =      328 bytes (      41 elements)

   FieldDef       =      348 bytes (     173 elements)

   MethodDef      =      704 bytes (     352 elements)

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   TypeSpec        =        4 bytes (       1 elements)

   Resources       =       24 bytes (       3 elements)

   Resources Files =        8 bytes (       1 elements)

   Resources Data  =     5810 bytes

   Strings         =    19058 bytes

   Signatures      =     1360 bytes

   ByteCode        =    28580 bytes

Attaching deployed file.

Assembly: GHIElectronics.NETMF.USBHost ( (1668 RAM - 15824 ROM - 7067 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =       16 bytes (       4 elements)

   TypeRef        =       92 bytes (      23 elements)

   FieldRef       =       12 bytes (       3 elements)

   MethodRef      =       88 bytes (      22 elements)

   TypeDef        =      376 bytes (      47 elements)

   FieldDef       =      280 bytes (     139 elements)

   MethodDef      =      444 bytes (     221 elements)

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   TypeSpec        =        4 bytes (       1 elements)

   Resources       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources Files =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources Data  =        0 bytes

   Strings         =     3948 bytes

   Signatures      =      855 bytes

   ByteCode        =     4683 bytes

Attaching deployed file.

Assembly: GHIElectronics.NETMF.IO ( (212 RAM - 664 ROM - 289 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =        8 bytes (       2 elements)

   TypeRef        =       12 bytes (       3 elements)

   FieldRef       =        8 bytes (       2 elements)

   MethodRef      =        4 bytes (       1 elements)

   TypeDef        =        8 bytes (       1 elements)

   FieldDef       =        4 bytes (       2 elements)

   MethodDef      =       20 bytes (       9 elements)

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   TypeSpec        =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources Files =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources Data  =        0 bytes

   Strings         =      212 bytes

   Signatures      =       33 bytes

   ByteCode        =       36 bytes

Attaching deployed file.

Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Net (4.1.2821.0) (704 RAM - 5060 ROM - 2452 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =       12 bytes (       3 elements)

   TypeRef        =       96 bytes (      24 elements)

   FieldRef       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   MethodRef      =       76 bytes (      19 elements)

   TypeDef        =      120 bytes (      15 elements)

   FieldDef       =       60 bytes (      29 elements)

   MethodDef      =      136 bytes (      68 elements)

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   TypeSpec        =        4 bytes (       1 elements)

   Resources       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources Files =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources Data  =        0 bytes

   Strings         =     1280 bytes

   Signatures      =      388 bytes

   ByteCode        =     1204 bytes

Attaching deployed file.

Assembly: Microsoft.SPOT.Native (4.1.2821.0) (1144 RAM - 6516 ROM - 4479 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =        4 bytes (       1 elements)

   TypeRef        =       80 bytes (      20 elements)

   FieldRef       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   MethodRef      =       60 bytes (      15 elements)

   TypeDef        =      336 bytes (      42 elements)

   FieldDef       =      192 bytes (      95 elements)

   MethodDef      =      224 bytes (     111 elements)

   Attributes      =       48 bytes (       6 elements)

   TypeSpec        =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources       =       72 bytes (       9 elements)

   Resources Files =        8 bytes (       1 elements)

   Resources Data  =      747 bytes

   Strings         =      648 bytes

   Signatures      =      595 bytes

   ByteCode        =      418 bytes

Attaching deployed file.

Assembly: System.IO (4.1.2821.0) (1548 RAM - 13292 ROM - 5862 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =        8 bytes (       2 elements)

   TypeRef        =      168 bytes (      42 elements)

   FieldRef       =       36 bytes (       9 elements)

   MethodRef      =      392 bytes (      98 elements)

   TypeDef        =      144 bytes (      18 elements)

   FieldDef       =       76 bytes (      37 elements)

   MethodDef      =      392 bytes (     195 elements)

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   TypeSpec        =        8 bytes (       2 elements)

   Resources       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources Files =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources Data  =        0 bytes

   Strings         =      356 bytes

   Signatures      =      790 bytes

   ByteCode        =     6946 bytes

Attaching deployed file.

Assembly: GHIElectronics.NETMF.Hardware ( (1268 RAM - 8732 ROM - 5109 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =       12 bytes (       3 elements)

   TypeRef        =      100 bytes (      25 elements)

   FieldRef       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   MethodRef      =      104 bytes (      26 elements)

   TypeDef        =      320 bytes (      40 elements)

   FieldDef       =      128 bytes (      64 elements)

   MethodDef      =      312 bytes (     156 elements)

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   TypeSpec        =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources Files =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources Data  =        0 bytes

   Strings         =     2190 bytes

   Signatures      =      697 bytes

   ByteCode        =     1301 bytes

Attaching deployed file.

Assembly: GHIElectronics.NETMF.System ( (488 RAM - 2496 ROM - 1465 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =       12 bytes (       3 elements)

   TypeRef        =       48 bytes (      12 elements)

   FieldRef       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   MethodRef      =       56 bytes (      14 elements)

   TypeDef        =       80 bytes (      10 elements)

   FieldDef       =       28 bytes (      14 elements)

   MethodDef      =       84 bytes (      41 elements)

   Attributes      =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   TypeSpec        =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources       =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources Files =        0 bytes (       0 elements)

   Resources Data  =        0 bytes

   Strings         =      549 bytes

   Signatures      =      213 bytes

   ByteCode        =      349 bytes


Total: (15060 RAM - 174964 ROM - 71304 METADATA)

   AssemblyRef    =      152 bytes (      38 elements)

   TypeRef        =     1168 bytes (     292 elements)

   FieldRef       =      136 bytes (      34 elements)

   MethodRef      =     1596 bytes (     399 elements)

   TypeDef        =     3640 bytes (     455 elements)

   FieldDef       =     1708 bytes (     847 elements)

   MethodDef      =     4756 bytes (    2372 elements)

   DebuggingInfo  =     2392 bytes

   Attributes      =       48 bytes (       6 elements)

   TypeSpec        =       36 bytes (       9 elements)

   Resources Files =       96 bytes (       4 elements)

   Resources       =      328 bytes (      41 elements)

   Resources Data  =     6994 bytes

   Strings         =    32430 bytes

   Signatures      =     9316 bytes

   ByteCode        =    62007 bytes


So any ideas what goes wrong here?? please tell me if you need some other/more special traces!

br. Fred

One more thing to do is - remove all references in your project and re-add them. Try to deploy now.


currently i re-installed MS Visual studio 2010, .NET MF 4.1 and GHI NETMFv4.1, removed all references from the project and re-added them…
Now i get errors about non exisiting Microsoft.SPOT assembly (The name ‘Debug’/‘Utility’ does not exist in the current context)…
When i want to re-add the assembly Microsoft.SPOT i see that it is no more present in the NET library folder… Was there a change recently??

ok, the Microsoft.SPOT.Native was missing :wink:
but now, after the compelte reinstall of all components:

An error has occurred: please check your hardware.
Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
Source: Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger
Stack : 
   bei Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.WireProtocol.OutgoingMessage.InitializeForSend(IController parent, Converter converter, UInt32 cmd, UInt32 flags, Object payload) in c:\depot\current\CLIENT_V4_1\Framework\Debugger\Controller.cs:Zeile 964.
   bei Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.Engine.SyncMessage(UInt32 cmd, UInt32 flags, Object payload, Int32 retries, Int32 timeout) in c:\depot\current\CLIENT_V4_1\Framework\Debugger\Engine.cs:Zeile 1975.
   bei Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.Engine.GetAssemblies() in c:\depot\current\CLIENT_V4_1\Framework\Debugger\Engine.cs:Zeile 2648.
   bei Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.Engine.ResolveAllAssemblies() in c:\depot\current\CLIENT_V4_1\Framework\Debugger\Engine.cs:Zeile 2661.
   bei Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.VsProjectFlavorCfg.Deploy() in c:\depot\current\CLIENT_V4_1\Framework\CorDebug\VsProjectFlavorCfg.cs:Zeile 869.
   bei Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.VsProjectFlavorCfg.<Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IVsDeployableProjectCfg.StartDeploy>b__0() in c:\depot\current\CLIENT_V4_1\Framework\CorDebug\VsProjectFlavorCfg.cs:Zeile 634.
========== Build: 1 succeeded or up-to-date, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
========== Deploy: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========

Sorry, nicht ferstein and pretty much out of suggestions. Looks like Debugger is having hard time to synch with the board.

Do you use any other precompiled libraries or anything like that?

This is a blind guess: did you enable the managed bootloader in your app code?

@ Architect: the only thing which is modified (and therefore not regular) is an changed Microsoft.SPOT.IO.dll to make some private functions inside public (NativeFindFile…etc…) But this changed dll didn’t cause any toubles up to now…

@ Gralin: No, i don’t use the managed bootloader in my code…

Can you please send me that changed assembly? My e-mail is on my profile page here on forum.

have you received the dll? i hope it was the correct mail adress :wink:

Hi Fred,

Yes I got it. Try to do a simple project that uses that dll but not the functionality you have added. Then try to deploy that project using modified dll and then non-modified one.

Hi Valentin,

both versions (modified and non-modified one) work without any problems…
it’s really strange…

Do you have any other USBizi boards to try?

unfortunately not at the moment… can the code-zize be a problem? (around 68kByte for the project’s pe file)

When i try to debug my software the debug process stucks while downloading the executable

'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft .NET Micro Framework\v4.1\Assemblies\le\mscorlib.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft .NET Micro Framework\v4.1\Assemblies\le\Microsoft.SPOT.Native.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft .NET Micro Framework\v4.1\Assemblies\le\Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft .NET Micro Framework\v4.1\Assemblies\le\Microsoft.SPOT.Graphics.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files\GHI Electronics\GHI NETMF v4.1 SDK\Assemblies\le\GHIElectronics.NETMF.System.dll'
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files\GHI Electronics\GHI NETMF v4.1 SDK\Assemblies\le\GHIElectronics.NETMF.USBHost.dll'
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft .NET Micro Framework\v4.1\Assemblies\le\Microsoft.SPOT.IO.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft .NET Micro Framework\v4.1\Assemblies\le\System.IO.dll', Symbols loaded.
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files\GHI Electronics\GHI NETMF v4.1 SDK\Assemblies\le\GHIElectronics.NETMF.Hardware.USBizi.dll'
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files\GHI Electronics\GHI NETMF v4.1 SDK\Assemblies\le\GHIElectronics.NETMF.IO.dll'
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'C:\Program Files\GHI Electronics\GHI NETMF v4.1 SDK\Assemblies\le\GHIElectronics.NETMF.Hardware.dll'
'Microsoft.SPOT.Debugger.CorDebug.dll' (Managed): Loaded 'I:\MyApp\bin\Debug\le\MyApp.exe', Symbols loaded.

Or maybe some part in the flash area got corrupted??

Whats also strange: the assembly Microsoft.SPOT.Graphics.dll gets loaded, although i don’t use it in my code…

What’s also interesting: after deploying my app i have to re-program the firmware, it is not enough to erase only the application to be able to program the chip again… sounds like the firmware get’s corrupted ?

Update: Issue solved!

The root cause for the problem is quite simple, but was hard to find :wink:
A new static Byte[]array was allocated with a size which was not defined as constant value ::slight_smile:
Now everything works fine again!!
Thanks to all who helped me solving the problem!! (especially Architect!)


Hello all,
I am experimenting similar deployment issues with PANDA II and GHI NETMF v4.1 SDK : I have a lot of deployment errors :

Here is what happen :
-I deploy my application (using Interrupts, PWM, ios, and touch fez and soon webserver)

  • Often (too much) visual express 2010 shows the output " Incrementally deploying assemblies to device / Deploying assemblies for a total size of 79336 bytes" and then hangs here
    -In that case I unconnect USB from PandaII and try to deploy again, wich works often (deploy sucess)
    -Sometimes even when I try several times to disconnect/reconnect USB and deploy again, visual express 2010 hangs again…
    In that case the only way to do things going better is to reupdate firmware with USBizi updater.

-I wonder if it could be related to the size of code? I guess it happens more since my code has significantly grows up?
-Indeed I am surprised that firmware could be corruppted by application…


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@ cca - best to start a new thread

Probably, since this one is marked as solved : I move my new thread here :