ST's F429DISCOVERY Seminar; Attending?

Here I sit, excitedly updating my laptop for tomorrow. Thanks to an invitation from Avnet, I will be attending one of ST’s STM32 F4 Cortex M4 MCU Seminars in Richardson, TX (listed as “Dallas”, TX). Attendees receive a free F429Discovery kit: 32F429IDISCOVERY - Discovery kit with STM32F429ZI MCU * New order code STM32F429I-DISC1 (replaces STM32F429I-DISCO) - STMicroelectronics

While I find these seminars quite informative and educational, secretly, or maybe not so secret now, I want to get it home and slap .NETMF on it! It’s been done, I understand, so it shouldn’t take long. Just hope I can wait until the seminar is over…

Anyone else attending this particular instance of the seminar?

I’d love to get these guys to come do a seminar in Nashville. Do me a favor and talk to them and find out who I have to beg :smiley:

Sure! I’d love it if we could spread things around.
The answer would be:
Well, not sure I should post his e-mail here, how can I get it to you more securely?
nm, info on it’s way.