STM32F411E-DISCO - problem with attaching debugger

I began experiment with TinyCLR. I have problem with attaching debugger in Visual Studio and TinyCLR Config.
If I start debug, Visual Studio says Cannot attach debugger engine!

Loader in TinyCLR Config find device correct but Debug section is not function.


Thank you for the advice.

v2.0.4 means you are in Bootloader. You have to install TinyCLR firmware.

Thanks for your answer.

but, I dont know how load the firmware to device. Dev-kit after restart activate bootloader mode

and I dont know how it switch.


Step 1, always read the manual :slight_smile: TinyCLR OS Introduction which should lead you to and be helpful for you

Is this your custom board?

Are you building FEZCLR firmware?

Check the LDR0 pin (PA15) if low then the board will stay in Bootloader.

judging by the thread title, I’d say it’s an STM32F411E-DISCO board, so not custom, just STMs :slight_smile:

And what are you going to do? Try to run FEZCLR firmware on STM32F411E-DISCO or build your own firmware?

There are 3 configuration pins STM32F411E-DISCO may have different to FEZCLR board you need to take a look:

LDR0: PA15
LDR1: PC13
Serial Debug Mode: PB10

On FEZCLR these pins are high as default, if you want to run exactly FEZCLR firmware.

If you are going to rebuild firmware then you don’t need to install bootloader, just remember relocate boot address from 0x0800800 to 0x0800000.

And of course, those pins must be match to your board.

:slight_smile: I read the manual, but I probably did not understand its. My english is basic. I am sorry. In the past I was using the G120 with net micro framework. It was all direct and easy. But now TinyRCL is very young and I understand that the manual is not perfect. :slight_smile:

Thanks for you answer,
STM32F41xxxxxxx is standart devel-board from STM. I use standart FEZCLR firmware. Custom firmware will be next steps if it will be work all for my project.

I think, that problem will be in the LDR0, LDR1 pin. I forgot module in my work and now I can not test.

Thank you once again

Then I suggest you start with G120 and then switch to Discovery board. This will help you in understanding TinyCLR.

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Problem was resolved. Thanks you all for advice.
Problem was in configuration pins and absence firmware.

I created step by step how to start work with STM32F411E-DISCO for future generation :slight_smile: