hello folks,
I have a problem with a stepper motor.
I have tried it to work with a digital output port.
but with
thread. sleep(1)
port. write( false)
I have problems and lost steps.
if I put the sleep to two milliseconds works fine but for me is too slow.
I’m using cerbuino bee.
I have test too with pwm and a frequency about 800 May be good,
but…, how can I count the number of steps?
the question is… how can I send, for instance, 45 steps with pwm? I never have used in the past pwm and I was not able to found documentation about it.
thanks in advance
Read this, should get you started :
Good luck !
Thanks David,
This thread speak about the pins.
I have solved the pins with PWM with this code.
Imports GT = Gadgeteer
Imports GTM = Gadgeteer.Modules
Imports GHIElectronics.Gadgeteer.FEZCerbuinoBee
Imports Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware
Imports GHI.OSHW.Hardware.FEZCerbuino
Imports Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.PWM
Partial Public Class Program
Public Sub ProgramStarted()
Dim pulso As PWM = New PWM(Cpu.PWMChannel.PWM_5, 800, 0.1, False)
pulso.Frequency = 900
pulso.Duration = 10
' pulso.Scale = ScaleFactor.Milliseconds
End Sub
End Class
But I don´t know what can i do to send a specific number of steps.
thanks in advance.
hi andre,
thanks for your help, but I have a doubt…
you are speaking about power, but my problem is about frequency, is too slow for my project, I have seen the module and don’t speak about velocity.
did you think, I will can use an high frequency with this module?
somebody have test it with stepper?
thanks other time…
Hello folks,
Somebody know the velocity of ParalellCNC Module,
Can I use it at 900Hz??