Spider built-in ethernet

Mike, dera: what is behaviour of yellow led on yours J11D connector?

its always on after powerup with no change

Same on mine, but this led should be off if no cable is attached and blinking as packets flow the network if cable is attached. I don’t understand why it works like a stupid yellow bulb on spider.

my J11D Module has a really strange behaviour. perhaps something broken.

the ping snippet => throws SocketException
tried some NTP clients from the codeshare => timeout or freeze(TimeService)
the ‘Simple HTTP server’ response the teststring but very unstable ( yellow led on, no flashing)
DNS.GetHostEntry works

dera: you described my problems with J11D. I have same experience with it. So at least we know it is probably not hardware, but firmware problem.

dera: In the ping snippet, add Thread.Sleep(100) just before try block. This fixed it for me, but sure it is very unusual way how to avoid socket exception. There should be no sleep required! Let’s hope GHI will fix these problems in next firmware, otherwise spider is useless for me :-(.

I’m having a similar issue I had a bit of code working the day before Thanksgiving, was getting an IP address with DHCP just fine. I come back today and re-deploy the exact same code and I start getting NetworkInterfaceExtensionException when I run AssignNetworkingStackTo on the built-in. I re-applied the firmware update and it’s working again. The yellow light is always on for me as well.

i solved my ping issue partially. all pings to the local network except the gateway/router ends in timeout(pings from my pc works to all destinations).
ping to the extern network works. But after first ping (local and extern), every try ends in timeout.

i added Socket.Poll before ‘socket.ReceiveFrom’ to avoid the SocketException ErrorCode = 10060 (Connection timed out)

if (socket.Poll(15 * 1000 * 1000, SelectMode.SelectRead))
    int Brecieved = socket.ReceiveFrom(

AssignNetworkingStackTo needed only the first time. the code below fixed the issue for me:

if (ethernet.NetworkInterface.NetworkInterfaceType != NetworkInterfaceType.Ethernet)

If you look at the code with which I started this topic you will see I also tried this condition, but I am not sure, if it means that stack is already assigned. Anyway, this code works too:

    // Will cause exception
catch(Exception e)
// Will NOT cause exception

The second call to AssignNetworkingStackTo does not cause exception and it does something, because it takes quite a lot of time to complete.

Have you been able to fix also NTP sync?

I flashed firmware several times - without J11D attached, with J11D attached, with J11D and UTP cable attached and I did not notice any change in behaviour.

yes, it works now:
it seems the “Dns.GetHostEntry” block the socket if it has to resolve a hostname.
the resolve works, i receive the ip address of the hostname, but the socket connection timed out.

I tried your NTPTime snippet from the first site of the thread and with the IP address of the NTP server it works.
(i used a german ntp server “ntp1.fau.de”: the “ntp.cesnet.cz” from your snippet is not reachable from my location).

really strange. i reproduced the error 4 times before i post the text above.
hostname => timeout
IP => works
hostname => timeout
IP => works
hostname => timeout
IP => works
hostname => timeout
IP => works

now i get every try a timeout with the IP too (tried several ntp server ips)

Just updated to GHI Premium 4.2 (29 Nov release) with latest firmware update on a FEZ Cobra. I have the same MFDeploy issue “Invalid configuration data from plug-in” and cannot change any network settings on the device via MFDeploy. Possibly an EMX specific issue?

@ AlexTZA - I too am having an issue with my EMX. I can not set it’s MAC address. I get that invalid plug-in data error.

Is this supposed to solve some of our problems? I have updated my spider and I see absolutely no difference, no improvement in behaviour.

I am really pissed with what I got for 400$ - useless spider, useless hydra, about 20 useless modules, because I don’t have usable mainboard and a few helpless replies in this forum like:

So thank you and Merry Christmas.

I think several issues being discussed in this thread are addressed in this URL.

Wondering if a bug tracker woudl be a better idea, as used on CodePlex . I see many issues in the forums that are unresolved but the thread drops off the recent list.I would find it helpful to track the J11D not rasing the network up event for example.

Good suggestion I have started using the “watch this topic” feature.

A bug tracker would be better though! I would rather have read a complete list of known issues than find them for myself one by one then google them.

It would surely help whoever is fixing the networking stack to see all the issues in one place and be efficient at fixing them. There are some weird issues out there like this one: http://www.tinyclr.com/forum/topic?id=9388&page=3#msg93646 where simply adding a reference to MFWsStack causes a socket exception at program start .

Right under the SDK download you will find a link to a page that show you everything you need to know :slight_smile:

Has there been any updates on this? I have just updated 2 EMX units to the latest firmware and the MAC address were defaulted back so both have the same MAC address and I cannot change it using MFDeploy.