SPI Chip Select Toggle

change 0x18 to 0x38

GetParam = 0x20
ConfigRegister =0x18

0x38 =GetParam | ConfigRegister


PrintBuffer(WriteRead(new byte[] { 0x38, 0, 0 })); ///GetParam [CONFIG] Thank you Jesus, returns 2E 88!

@ Arch, man if I could give you EXP points I would give you 1K of mine!

@ Gus, could you make that happen?

There is no need.
You just have to read carefully through the datasheet. Sometimes you need to read couple of times.

You are welcome.

A couple of times? I lost count of how many times Ive read the thing. :frowning:

Once this driver is complete, the L6460 is going to make an awesome addition to Gadgeteer.


Why the sad face? It appears that is the case :slight_smile:

So I’m code complete on porting the driver, now it’s to test it out. Going to post it on the code wiki; if i can figure out how.

Gus would never encourage bashing of other products here. Even competing ones.

@ ian, kewlio

If anyone is intrested the beta driver is here: http://code.tinyclr.com/project/415/l6470-beta-ported-device-driver/

Night night.

Cool. Now, finish that CNC! ;D

@ Arch, Yes sir.

Just to conclude this post. the driver that I posted over in code works, and is able to run my stepper motor.

Good job! Is CNC done? :wink:

Nope, cnc not done yet. Next step it to design and build the driver’s circuit board.