"spam" post limiting

Indeed. Posting a message is 1 point, posting on fezzer is around 170 (if I am right?)
Takes you less time and other users benefit :smiley:

Robert… There is a slight flaw here. Some of us are mainly hardware engineers… I trawl through the forum looking for people with hardware issues… I believe I’ve helped out quite a few times… I don’t post drivers because the drivers I need have already been written… If I find a driver that has problems or requires tweaking I fix it.

Not that I want points or ranks, but Gus himself agrees that everyone that gets over so many experience points is awarded discount.

Where do people like me stand. I hope my posts are not considered as spam. Once or twice (as you have ) I have responded with quirky remarks. You shouldn’t discourage people or they will feel alienated.

Cheers Ian

Here is how we hope users will use this forum, pretend there is no points ands use the forum as if there are no points. Enjoy your time and help others while you get helped…in few months, you will automatically get discounts and consulting hours from GHI without even asking for it :slight_smile:

[quote]Where do people like me stand. I hope my posts are not considered as spam. Once or twice (as you have ) I have responded with quirky remarks. You shouldn’t discourage people or they will feel alienated.

Preface - you’ve helped me - I thanked you then and I thank you again now :wink:

You can also get points (to work towards discounts) from posting projects on the wiki. I believe you get extra points for videos therein.

Perhaps if you’re working on work projects that are proprietary that may not be available to you…

I’m here to learn and be apart of the “club”. Since I am new to this, I don’t have much to add, so many of my posts are questions or of the “that’s cool” category. Hopefully in the future I will be able to contribute more.

Technically, there is no reason you can’t submit hardware design to Fezzer… as long as it needs some code. Just put the schematic or pcb or pictures of the napkin you drew the schematic on as an attachment and include the code to drive it…

If you’re helping someone out, it’s hardly spam. It just annoys me when i see a user go through every post for the day on the forum posting “great” “that’s cool” “i never though of that” and similar such posts which make it really difficult to see posts from people who may actually need help but who’s thread is buried under a deluge of (seemingly to me…) point grab posts.

It’s not been so bad recently, after i made this post originally it dropped right off for quite a while :wink:

OK, now i understand, maybe… There are a bunch of SEO company robots that leave totally meaningless comments in blogs and forums to drive up the number of links to their page. Usually something like, “That is a very interesting post - it will help many people.” Absolutely non-specific to the post itself. I see this a lot on some of my blogs that didn’t have good filtering. I finally ended up just not allowing comments. Maybe that was what was being seen. Could it be that it wasn’t related to points farming at all, but just SEO trolls?

BTW: It is uncanny how much the current icon looks just like me. Even the fact that there is no hair on top. :slight_smile: Of course, it has been a long time since I wore a tie and I may have put on a few pounds, but really, quite a good likeness.

Actually it’s not SEO robots, it’s actually a couple of specific users who i think were just trying to move up the ladder with as little work as possible… Fezzer sort of nullified that anyway. I could get to King with an hour of coding if i wanted to (from where i am now).

What is SEO Robots?

search engine optimization. I googled it. :grinning: