Some components missing in the Toolbox in VS2012?

I’ve installed .NET 4.3 and the latest GHI SDK (2013 R2). I’ve opened up VS2012, started a Gadgeteer project, and selected FEZCerbot as the mainboard.

I am trying to add a couple of components to the design surface but they are nowhere to be found:

  1. I don’t see either the L1 or L2 Serial Camera in the list. There is a “SerCam” component - which looks closer to the L1/L2 camera, but I can’t tell which one it is (I own the L2 one). Do I just use that one? Is it the same component for L1 or L2?

  2. I am also trying to add the MicroSD component ( I see an SDCard component - is that the same thing?

Double check you target framework setting in project properties window make sure it is set to 4.2.

It was set to 4.2.