Socket.Available limit?

I receive some UDP data on the socket. I want to receive 50 packets @ 114 bytes.

I receive the first 30 packets great and the data is OK. I think it is because of the available stack, because when I look at the socket.available there can only be 3550 bytes. If we divide this by 114 bytes (my receiving bytes) we get 31.
After the first 30 packets I only receive every third packets. So it is:
1 - 2 - 3 - … - 29 - 30 - 33 - 36 - 39 - 42 - …

And when I tried with just 30 bytes for each packets, the available buffer got smaller. About 930 when it was full…

How can I fix this problem? Can I make the available buffer bigger?

@ Joakimj - see

Okay thanks…

What can I do then? Any ideas?

@ Joakimj - Sounds like a coding problem. Please post a small program which demonstrates the problem.

This is how I read my data (from a camera):

while (true)
                while (socket.Poll(ReadCounter, SelectMode.SelectRead))
                    if (CheckEnable == 1)
                        if (socket.Available > 0)
                            socket.Receive(inBuf, inBuf.Length, SocketFlags.None);
                            EthernetReceivedHandler.EthDataHandler(inBuf, socket); //This function is saving the data in a bytearray
                    else if (CheckEnable == 0)
                    if (counter == 200)
                        CheckEnable = 0;
                        socket.Send(DisableCam, DisableCam.Length, SocketFlags.None);
                        EthernetReceivedHandler.Farve_ID_Handler(); //Now I can use my data

First I enable the camera data. Then I count to 200 and disable the camera. When the camera is disabled I can use my data.
I was thinking to make a interrupt (Event Handler). So the camera always was enabled and I could use the data anyway.
Every time I send a specific packets, I would read the last data in my byte array. Is that possible? So I don’t have to disable my camera.

@ Joakimj - There is no way to recreate or study your problem with the code fragment you provided.

It doesn’t matter… I got it now :slight_smile: But thank for the help

How about sharing the solution with others?

The ReceiveEthernetData() is always running. So I wondered how I could turn this off when I was receiving some data. Every time I receive a packets from bluetooth, It should do a specific thing.

public static void ReceiveEthernetData()
            while (true)
                while (socket.Poll(ReadCounter, SelectMode.SelectRead))
                    if (socket.Available > 0)
                        socket.Receive(inBuf, inBuf.Length, SocketFlags.None);
                        EthernetReceivedHandler.EthDataHandler(inBuf, socket);

public Bluetooth(string COMport, int BAUD, Parity Paritet, int databit)
            sp = new SerialPort(COMport, BAUD, Paritet, databit);
            sp.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(DataReceivedHandler);


private void DataReceivedHandler(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
            SerialPort sp = (SerialPort)sender;

                while (sp.BytesToRead > 0)
                     for (int i = 0; i < rx_data.Length; i++)
                          rx_data[i] = 0;

                     rx_data[read_count] = (byte)sp.ReadByte();

            catch (Exception ex)