Snippet - Wiring a Nordic nRF24L01+ module to a ChipworkX devboard 1.5

I just posted Wiring a Nordic nRF24L01+ module to a ChipworkX devboard 1.5 on Codeshare. Feel free to discuss and make suggestions here.

Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:
could you post a picture of your Module with the Cap soldered, newbs will appreciate it :slight_smile:

Done. Not much to it, since the capacitor is just soldered on the other side of the module pins.

When I get further on the hardware part, I will come back with more info if I have some. Until then I’m back on the part I know best how to handle… programming :wink:

Many thanks to all that contributed and helped me find the solution.

Thanks for sharing, looks good :slight_smile: