Show datetime on toplevel forum pages

It would be helpful to have the datetime of the last post to show on the top level page of each forum.

Currently when I visit the forums to see what’s new since I came last, I click on posts and go to the last page of the post to see if there is something I have not read yet. If the date was on the top level page, I wouldn’t have to drill down to see what’s new.

Thank you.

I am aware of the following features of the forums.
includes the information you’re looking for, and if you click on the link in the right-hand column, it’ll take you directly to the last post.

Also, if you view the Unread post view:
clicking on the Subject in that view will take you to the most recent post.

@ terrence - Just click the “Unread” menu item to the left, and it will show you all the messages you have not seen yet.

There are many ways to read content from the forums, several have been listed, and I thank you guys for the tips.

It shouldn’t be a big deal to add the date to the top level forum pages to provide an alternative way to view the sites.


@ terrence - I am not sure what you want. This page, accessible by the Form menu item to the left, has the timestamp for the newest posting in each forum.

Hi Mike,
When I click on a forum name, it take me to a page with all of the posts for that forum. That page shows the last person to post, but not the datetime that that person posted.

This page

Ok, now I understand.

I don’t ever access the forums that way, so it is not a priority to me.