Hi, we are new in Gadgeteer.
Is it possible to use a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor with fezspider 2?
We are using NETMF 4.3.
Someone can help us?
start by using the search button in the upper right hand corner of this page
Hi Mike, I searched yet but I not find answers for NETMF 4.3
I wanna know too
Have you looked here? https://old.ghielectronics.com/community/codeshare/entry/228
The problem is that he used PinCapture but in NETMF 4.3 there isn’t supported
Check the documentation at old.ghielectronics.com for SignalCapture.
I tried but i can’t find GHI.IO that contains SignalCapture
check here code for NetFM 4.3/4.4 (i tested with netfm 4.3 and netfm 4.4 nucleo stm32f411ret6 and you need to use two pins from fez 2)
drivers / sample code and picture of connection
It is there? Where did you look?
Not this, i will try it as soon as possible
Thanks, i will try as soon as possible.
The DHT11 is a very poor sensor and not very accurate. It also has a poor life span too.
If you need something much better, have a look for the BME280 as this is I2C and easy to use and far more accurate. I use one for my home weather station.
Show us your changes if possible
I am interested in your solution too!
Looks like a school project, so who gets all the credits?
hoped he did better code than that i provided him…
but seems it was flagged with delete WITHDRAWN …