SD Card Initialization issue

I got the modified board today. Works great! One last question. I see where you tacked on the wire, but it also looks like something may have been changed with C1. ? ? If so, can you provide details?


I don’t think we changed C1.

Ok, on the board you sent me, C1 was definitely modified at some point in the past, but maybe that was something unrelated. I’ll go ahead and make the wire change on our boards.

Thanks again.


I have the exact same issue on a new Panda 2. I tried 3 different SD’s (SanDisk 2G SD, SanDisk 4G SDHC, Transcend 4G SDHC) all with the same result. I formatted all three disks FAT and FAT32, tried it with and without data (files) on the SD’s, same results. All disks are readable in my PC and other boards. I’m using the same example code as in the begining of this thread (tutorial code). I also checked that the firmware matches the SDK.

It detects the cards with “PersistentStorage.DetectSDCard()”, but does not initialize.

Below is the exception:

Exception System.Exception - 0xffffffff (1)


GHIElectronics.NETMF.IO.PersistentStorage::.ctor [IP: 0000]

FEZ_Panda_II_Application1.Program::Main [IP: 004f]

Does the hardware fix also apply to the Panda 2? Any other advise?


Not same issue, his was related to the SD extension board.

There is no known issues with SD and panda II. Try to use a power pack juts to make sure it is not power issue. Or connect FEZ directly to your PC, no hubs

The board is connected directly to the PC, and tried with and without external power (6V). No luck

Could the board be faulty?


Boards are tested but everything is possible.