Wanted to let you all know that I’ve uploaded the driver and instructions to Fezzer.com to connect a Maxim DS1307 I2C RTC to the Fez Panda.
I would like to point out for a couple of improvements.
1. Get rid off FEZ_Components class and use the FEZ_Components name as the name of the namespace instead of using GHIElectronics.NETMF.FEZ. This should save space
2. Change
static I2Device I2C;
private I2CDevice I2C;
-You use it as a non static object. (You allocate and dispose that object in non static methods).
-Very bad things will happen when you have more than one instance of RTC_DS1307 object.
Great job, Eric!
I am wondering if the diagram and the connection description of you DS1307 Driver is a little off?
Since DS1307 also needed 32.768kHz external oscillator (page 6 of the datasheet).
I would say the diagram from the link below or excerpt from the datasheet would be more appropriated.
[url]Mixed-signal and digital signal processing ICs | Analog Devices
Sam, Architect
you’re right. I will update as soon as Fezzer.com is alive again.
It’ll be back online soon.
Changes posted
Very nice example.
Thank you!
There is also 56 bytes of user ram on these devices,
Why don’t you include a little storage for non volatale variables.
Very good work!!!
Cheers Ian
[quote]There is also 56 bytes of user ram on these devices,
Why don’t you include a little storage for non volatale variables.[/quote]
Simply because I didn’t need it (yet), but I will look into it soon.
What would I have to do to patch the DS1307 code for setting/reading the DOW (Day of week)?
I believe Sunday = 1?
It’s user define. So you can have Sunday = 1.
It mentioned in Maxim’s DS1307 datasheet, page 8.
The default DOW is Sunday = 0 when the time/date is set with the driver.
Also, this same driver will work, without modifications, with the accurate DS3231 RTC eg
Macetech’s ChronoDot RTC.
Sweet … I have been looking for an RTC and this seems to fit my needs perfectly.