Hello Everyone,
I have trying to find how I can send bytes with the rs232.serialPort.
For me it gives writeLine and Write strings.
Hello Everyone,
I have trying to find how I can send bytes with the rs232.serialPort.
For me it gives writeLine and Write strings.
@ lssilva - rs232.serialPort.Write accepts the following params:
byte[] data
string data
byte[] data, int offset, int length
Thank you James I will have a go
Other things that may help:
Thank you Jeff,
The links are very usefull. I have tried some of the sample code. but whenever I call
The programs crash and stop.
I know the serial device is sending a response but I can’t read it.
Any experience?
By the way the source code is:
byte[] rx_data = new byte[10];
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
if (!rs232.serialPort.IsOpen)
printText("Port is closed");
String byteStr = ByteToHexBitFiddle(data);
int read_count = rs232.serialPort.Read(rx_data, 0, rx_data.Length);
if (read_count == 0)
printText("0 to read ");
printText("something to read ");
As soon as it reaches int read_count = rs232.serialPort.Read(rx_data, 0, rx_data.Length); the program freez. I have tried to replace it with a read byte only. My hardware is set with a loopback so theoretically I should receive everything I send.
I have a Cerbot with a Display_n18 and rs232
please format your code by click on the 101010 Icon in the line above the Emoticons.
Thanks, Formatted.
Can you see any hidden bugs there?
@ lssilva - Is the behavior any different if you subscribe to and attempt the read in the event:
to stay in your code you could try:
if (rs232.serialPort.bytesToRead == 0}
printText("0 to read ");
int read_count = rs232.serialPort.Read(rx_data, 0, rx_data.Length);
printText("something to read ");
you can have a look on this link to see how it was solved by others
Thanks for the replies.
@ RoSchmi
I tried the modified code and it did not work and I checked the code in the link and it seems to be based on DataReceived which doesn’t work for me.
@ James
I have tried both
rs232.serialPort.DataReceived += new GT.Interfaces.Serial.DataReceivedEventHandler(serialPort_DataReceived);
rs232.serialPort.LineReceived += new GT.Interfaces.Serial.LineReceivedEventHandler(serialPort_LineReceived);
But the methods are never called.
I managed to get Ethernet and all other modules working just the reading in RS232 left. I will check the wiring again.
:-[ :’( :wall:
I had soldered in the wrong place :wall: Now it works fine ??? :-[
@ lssilva - We all make mistakes like this, don’t worry too much. Thank you, though, for keeping us updated!
We ALL have been there !!! So no worries