I’m looking for the RFID modules part number as we might want to integrate this RFID reader onto our own production boards down the line. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
I’m looking for the RFID modules part number as we might want to integrate this RFID reader onto our own production boards down the line. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
@ andre.m - Me thinks he is asking about the big circular thing a me bob and not ghi’s part number
Yes, the large circular part is what we’re looking for as we would like to put that part directly onto our PCB. Thank you Justin for clarifying.
Not the same but something like this would work http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-shipping-Multifunction-RFID-module-with-WG26-34-ABA-RS232-LED-Buzzer-Driver-any-functions-you/548525836.html
Sadly size is limited in our application so we liked the all in one design and size of the part that GHI used. Thank you Justin though.
You can contact GHI directly about buying a volume of these modules directly.