I am trying to get recording working with the https://www.ghielectronics.com/community/codeshare/entry/368
custom music module (I am using it for the play back as well)
I am basically just trying to get the sample code working from the developers’ guide.
using (FileStream recordingFile = sdCard.GetStorageDevice().OpenWrite(@ "\recorded.ogg"))
music.RecordOggVorbis(recordingFile, Gadgeteer.Modules.GHIElectronics.Music.patch_ogg);
Debug.Print("Waiting for the module to be ready");
while (music._isReadyRecord) ;
Debug.Print("Starting recording...");
Thread.Sleep(30 * 1000);
// Wait until recording is done
while (music.IsBusy)
Debug.Print("Recoding is done.");
But the custom class does not contain the definition for patch_ogg and music._isReadyRecord
Is there an alternative way to do this using this custom class ?
By the way I did try to use the standard music class to record, but all I got recorded was around 5 seconds of noise even though i set it to record for 30 seconds. Could this be encoder issue?
thanks for help in advance.