Reaper - GHI.Processor.Configuration class - Issues


Got new FEZ Reaper boards. :slight_smile:

FEZ Config shows below version info

Firmware (TinyCLR) version information: on this computer. on this device.

The Firmware (TinyCLR) is not up to date. <<<

Need to write a few bytes to user space in G80’s (FEZ Reaper) flash.
Gladly, came across GHI.Processor.Configuration class in this forum.

cfgBuf = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("ABCD1234");
cfgStatus = Configuration.WriteEntry("DevIP", cfgBuf);

returns “True”.

But when read,

cfgCount = Configuration.GetEntrySize("DevIP");

returns ‘0’.

Where is the problem ? Please help.

@ aavinan - Does it fail on more than one board? Can you reflash the firmware on the board and update to the just release SDK? If it still fails then, can you post a complete program that reproduces the issue?

@ John -

  1. Can’t test other boards now (will do it tomorrow)
  2. SDK 2016 R1 - will do it now and post results
  3. Test program - yes will do it and post result.


@ John -

  1. Uninstalled old SDK 2015 R1 Pre-Release 4.

  2. Uninstalled 2015 Gadgeteer core (i am not using gadgeteer lib).

  3. Installed 2016 Gadgeteer core

  4. Installed SDK 2016 R1

  5. Updated f/w
    Firmware (TinyCLR) version information: on this computer. on this device.

Now i face debug issues. May be some assemblies are changed ?! Should i rework on the references ?

See below error messages.

  • ERROR!!! Firmware version does not match managed code version!!! *

  •                                                                 *
  •                                                                 *
  • Invalid native checksum: GHI.Hardware 0x9E02C59C!=0x452A2614 *

  •                                                                 *


Link failure: some assembly references cannot be resolved!!

Assembly: USB_Writer ( needs assembly ‘GHI.Usb’ (

Assembly: USB_Writer ( needs assembly ‘GHI.Hardware’ (

Error: a3000000

Waiting for debug commands…

The program ‘[5] Micro Framework application: Managed’ has exited with code 0 (0x0).

@ cyberh0me - Got it. Thanks.

@ John - After SDK & F/W upgrade, Configuration.ReadEntry() works ! Thanks a ton.