Reading analog pin through Register class...?

I don’t know if it is possible but i’m trying to read (just for training) the analog pin AN0 through Register class.

        Register regPowerControl = new Register(LPC23xx.PCONP);
        Register regPeripheralClock = new Register(LPC23xx.PCLKSEL0);
        Register regADControl = new Register(LPC23xx.AD0_BASE_ADDR);
        Register regAD0 = new Register(LPC23xx.AD0DR0);
        Register regResult = new Register(LPC23xx.AD0GDR);
        regADControl.Write(18940417);   //1 0010 0001 0000 0010 0000 0001
        string str = " Power Control= " + regPowerControl.Read() +
                          " Peripherial Clock= " + regPeripheralClock.Read() +
                          " Result=" + regResult.Read().ToString() +
                          " ADC0= " + regAD0.Read().ToString() + " \r\n";

         //Power Control= 4078991354 Peripherial Clock= 1048576 Result=3221225472 ADC0= 3221227520 

I am always getting the same value in ADC0 Register = 3221227520 with OVERRUN bit = 1 (I have a LDR connected to this pin AD0), What could I be doing wrong?.

Joaquin Pelayo.

@ joapel - I suggest carefully reading chapter 27 of the user manual a number of times to see what you need to read/write into the registers.