Re: Can anyone see and respond to this?

@ Gary - nope!

Me either, though I should be able to.

@ Architect, @ devhammer

But you were able to see it though right? lol :wink:

Only in the sense that it was listed in the unread messages, which is what I usually check. Clicking the message topic just took me to the Insider forum page, not to the individual topic, and showed a warning message that only insiders could view that topic.

@ Aron - What @ devhammer said. :wink:

@ Architect, @ devhammer

Ah… I see… Maybe this info can help Josh fix the problem. :slight_smile:

I had a problem when the question was originally posted, but it seems to be working now.

*************** Oooops ******************

I got confused… I thought this was the original post… Multiple posts with the same title confuse me, along with lots of other things.

I can have the same problem getting into the Insider area.

Insider is being worked on. It also requires profiles be finished. We’re almost there.