Proposed replacement for RealTimeClock::IsTimeValid Property


I note that the latest GHI assembly documentation states that the [italic]RealTimeClock::IsTimeValid[/italic] Property is now obsolete. Other threads on this forum suggest that a similar function can be achived by examining the value returned by [italic]RealTimeClock::GetTime()[/italic] and checking it for validity (e.g check that the year is >= 2011). I’m not certain that the following provides any additional merit, but I’ve coded up a replacement - comments please…

        static public bool isRTCTimeValid()
            Register regSec = new Register(0xE0024020);
            Register regMin = new Register(0xE0024024);
            Register regHour = new Register(0xE0024028);
            Register regDay = new Register(0xE002402C);
            Register regMon = new Register(0xE0024038);
            Register regYear = new Register(0xE002403C);

            uint Sec = regSec.Read();
            uint Min = regMin.Read();
            uint Hour = regHour.Read();
            uint Day = regDay.Read();
            uint Mon = regMon.Read();
            uint Year = regYear.Read();

            return (Sec >= 0 && Sec <= 59 &&
                    Min >= 0 && Min <= 59 &&
                    Hour >= 0 && Hour <= 23 &&
                    Mon >= 1 && Mon <= 12 &&
                    Year >= 2011 && Year <= 2100 &&
                    Day >= 0 && Day <=  (uint)DateTime.DaysInMonth((int)Year, (int)Mon));

Will work fine but is an overkill to directly access the processor’s registers

I would just read the time in a try/catch then do check on the year so is more than 2011

Please see the RTC documentation. It has suggestions such as storing a checksum in battery RAM.