Problem with serial communication on Cerbuino Bee & Cerb40

I’ve got a Cerbuino Bee (v1.2) and Cerb40(v1.1) with the latest firmware ( I want to use serial port with the following settings:
Baud rate: 19200
Data bits: 8
Parity: Odd
Stop bits: 1
These settings are required to connect to other device. But device is not responding. When I use PC communication with the same serial settings – device successfully respond.

I know this may be obvious, but it can not hurt to ask.
On the Cerb40 or Cerbuino Bee connections, did you include a 3.3 volt to RS232 converter or module?

I use MAX3232 TTL to RS232 transceivers. Everything works if the parity is None. But I’ve got a some device that cannot change the parity. I try to connect to the PC directly. With the same settings on PC and cerbuino everything is fine if parity is none and i have wrong transmission from cerbuino if parity is odd… Sorry for my English :slight_smile:

Welcome to the Forum 4egod

it’s great that you tested communications to a PC using the settings you want, and have shown that the NONE parity versus ODD parity seems to be the problem. Can you confirm that the test you did used the hardware you have set up as well? If so, then it would now be something that we would need someone to repro and then look at the firmware

Yes, I checked to work with ODD parity on 2 different boards (Cerbuino Bee and Cerb40) with 3 different firmware versions (latest version, and always with ODD parity transfer was incorrect.