Problem reading analog sensors from DL40 DaiyLink with .Net Micro Framework Driver

@ rmurphy - Definitely use the latest build from Code Share as suggested by @ jernejk whenever I do a new build of the code on codeplex I put the binaries on codeshare as that is where this project started its life. The version included with the Cerberus programmer is very old, sorry for the inconvenience.

I left that in from some experiments that I tried, the original GHI code used the 72Mhz which did not correlate with the speed of the LPC1113 of 48Mhx when running with the RC oscillator and I wanted to see how sensitive it was so I when for a much higher number and it still worked. My non-scientific conclusion was that if you provided a speed higher than the clock-speed of the NXP chip it jut defaulted to the max and worked, but I did not really look into it further and never changed the value because in truth I had simply forgotten about it since it had no effect.

:slight_smile: You give me far too much credit, I would not even know where to start to try and do that…

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There’s nothing really to hook up, it’s not hard :slight_smile:

Here’s a feature daisylink needs to have. It needs a “FirmwareDescriptor” that can be used to return a text firmware description/versioning state. That way you’d know if you got the right firmware on it !

I’ve also done the same tests on all 6 of the analog input enums, and I always get 65535, 1.0. That’s with the pins linked to GND or 3v3 or floating.

I however don’t know if my firmware update worked… actually, I figured out one of my “dummy” moments. Make sure you change the resource to be the one you want to load :slight_smile: public byte[] binFile = Resources.GetBytes(Resources.BinaryResources.DL40);

Going back to test again…

mea culpa. With the right DL40.bin loaded, I get real values returned. @ rmurphy I suspect that’s your issue too :frowning:

Thank you everyone for all of the help. It is working!!! I cleaned up the original project, and added an enum for X and Y sockets with UARTs, as well as a configuration section and documentation. I will upload (not sure where) the project if anyone thinks that it my be helpful.


You’re welcome