Preview of Motor Driver Module

Hi guys,

Here is a quick preview of a new module driver for the Motor Driver L298 (Part #: GHI-MOTORDL298-GM-315). If you would like to see extra functionality, think things should work differently, or have any feedback to help us make this better let us know.

// Copyright (c) GHI Electronics LLC.  All rights reserved.
// Note: Not to be used. Only for preview.
// Required Assemblies
//      - Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
//      - System.Threading;

using System;
using Microsoft.SPOT;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Controls;
using Microsoft.SPOT.Presentation.Media;

using Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware;
using System.Threading;

using GT = Gadgeteer;
using GTM = Gadgeteer.Modules;
using GTI = Gadgeteer.Interfaces;
using Gadgeteer.Modules.GHIElectronics;

namespace Motor_Test
    public partial class Program
        void ProgramStarted()
            Access modules defined in the designer by typing their name:                            
            e.g.  button

            Initialize event handlers here.
            e.g. button.ButtonPressed += new GTM.MSR.Button.ButtonEventHandler(button_ButtonPressed);             
            ***************************************************************************************** */
            MotorControllerL298 temp = new MotorControllerL298(11);

            //for( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ )
            //    temp.MoveMotor(MotorControllerL298.Motor.Motor1, i);
            temp.MoveMotor(MotorControllerL298.Motor.Motor1, 0);
            temp.MoveMotor(MotorControllerL298.Motor.Motor2, 0);

            temp.MoveMotorRamp(MotorControllerL298.Motor.Motor1, 100, 5000);
            Debug.Print("going down");
            temp.MoveMotorRamp(MotorControllerL298.Motor.Motor1, 0, 5000);
            Debug.Print("going more down");
            temp.MoveMotorRamp(MotorControllerL298.Motor.Motor1, -100, 5000);
            Debug.Print("going up");
            temp.MoveMotorRamp(MotorControllerL298.Motor.Motor1, 0, 5000);
            Debug.Print("going more up");
            temp.MoveMotorRamp(MotorControllerL298.Motor.Motor1, 100, 5000);

            Debug.Print("OTHER SIDE");

            temp.MoveMotorRamp(MotorControllerL298.Motor.Motor2, 100, 5000);
            Debug.Print("going down");
            temp.MoveMotorRamp(MotorControllerL298.Motor.Motor2, 0, 5000);
            Debug.Print("going more down");
            temp.MoveMotorRamp(MotorControllerL298.Motor.Motor2, -100, 5000);
            Debug.Print("going up");
            temp.MoveMotorRamp(MotorControllerL298.Motor.Motor2, 0, 5000);
            Debug.Print("going more up");
            temp.MoveMotorRamp(MotorControllerL298.Motor.Motor2, 100, 5000);

            // Do one-time tasks here
            Debug.Print("Program Started");

//Inclusion of module code to help with testing and community feedback
namespace Gadgeteer.Modules.GHIElectronics
    /// <summary>
    /// A MotorControllerL298 module for Microsoft .NET Gadgeteer
    /// </summary>
    public class MotorControllerL298 : GTM.Module
        //static PWM m_Pwm1;// = new PWM(PWM.Pin.PWM7);
        //static PWM m_Pwm2;// = new PWM(PWM.Pin.PWM8);

        static GTI.PWMOutput m_Pwm1;
        static GTI.PWMOutput m_Pwm2;

        static OutputPort m_Direction1;// = new OutputPort(Cpu.Pin.GPIO_Pin6, false);
        static OutputPort m_Direction2;// = new OutputPort(Cpu.Pin.GPIO_Pin9, false);

        static int m_lastSpeed1 = 0;
        static int m_lastSpeed2 = 0;

        // This example implements  a driver in managed code for a simple Gadgeteer module.  The module uses a 
        // single GTI.InterruptInput to interact with a sensor that can be in either of two states: low or high.
        // The example code shows the recommended code pattern for exposing the property (IsHigh). 
        // The example also uses the recommended code pattern for exposing two events: MotorControllerL298High, MotorControllerL298Low. 
        // The triple-slash "///" comments shown will be used in the build process to create an XML file named
        // GTM.GHIElectronics.MotorControllerL298. This file will provide Intellisense and documention for the
        // interface and make it easier for developers to use the MotorControllerL298 module.        

        // Note: A constructor summary is auto-generated by the doc builder.
        /// <summary></summary>
        /// <param name="socketNumber">The socket that this module is plugged in to.</param>
        public MotorControllerL298(int socketNumber)
            // This finds the Socket instance from the user-specified socket number.  
            // This will generate user-friendly error messages if the socket is invalid.
            // If there is more than one socket on this module, then instead of "null" for the last parameter, 
            // put text that identifies the socket to the user (e.g. "S" if there is a socket type S)
            Socket socket = Socket.GetSocket(socketNumber, true, this, null);

            socket.EnsureTypeIsSupported(new char[] { 'P' }, this);

            // Set up the PWM pins
            m_Pwm1 = new GTI.PWMOutput(socket, Socket.Pin.Seven, this);
            m_Pwm2 = new GTI.PWMOutput(socket, Socket.Pin.Eight, this);

            m_Direction1 = new OutputPort(socket.CpuPins[9], false);
            m_Direction2 = new OutputPort(socket.CpuPins[6], false);

            // This creates an GTI.InterruptInput interface. The interfaces under the GTI namespace provide easy ways to build common modules.
            // This also generates user-friendly error messages automatically, e.g. if the user chooses a socket incompatible with an interrupt input.
            this.input = new GTI.InterruptInput(socket, GT.Socket.Pin.Three, GTI.GlitchFilterMode.On, GTI.ResistorMode.PullUp, GTI.InterruptMode.RisingAndFallingEdge, this);

            // This registers a handler for the interrupt event of the interrupt input (which is below)
            this.input.Interrupt += new GTI.InterruptInput.InterruptEventHandler(this._input_Interrupt);

        private void _input_Interrupt(GTI.InterruptInput input, bool value)
            this.OnMotorControllerL298Event(this, value ? MotorControllerL298State.Low : MotorControllerL298State.High);

        private GTI.InterruptInput input;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a value that indicates whether the state of this MotorControllerL298 is high.
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsHigh
                return this.input.Read();

        /// <summary>
        /// Represents the state of the <see cref="MotorControllerL298"/> object.
        /// </summary>
        public enum MotorControllerL298State
            /// <summary>
            /// The state of MotorControllerL298 is low.
            /// </summary>
            Low = 0,
            /// <summary>
            /// The state of MotorControllerL298 is high.
            /// </summary>
            High = 1

        /// <summary>
        /// Represents the desired motor to use.
        /// </summary>
        public enum Motor
            /// <summary>
            /// The left motor, marked M1, is the one in use.
            /// </summary>
            Motor1 = 0,

            /// <summary>
            /// The left motor, marked M1, is the one in use.
            /// </summary>
            Motor2 = 1,

        /// <summary>
        /// Used to set a motor's speed.
        /// <param name="_motorSide">The motor <see cref="Motor"/> you are setting the speed for.</param>
        /// <param name="_newSpeed"> The new speed that you want to set the current motor to.</param>
        /// </summary>
        public void MoveMotor(Motor _motorSide, int _newSpeed)
 #if DEBUG
            // Make sure the speed is within an acceptable range.
            if (_newSpeed > 100 || _newSpeed < -100)
                new ArgumentException("New motor speed outside the acceptable range (-100-100)", "_newSpeed");

            // Motor1
            if (_motorSide == Motor.Motor1)
                // Save our speed
                m_lastSpeed1 = _newSpeed;

                // Determine the direction we are going to go.
                if (_newSpeed < 0)
                    // Set direction and power.
                    m_Pwm1.Set(1000, (byte)(100 - System.Math.Abs(_newSpeed)));
                    // Set direction and power.
                    m_Pwm1.Set(1000, (byte)_newSpeed);
            // Motor2
                // Save our speed
                m_lastSpeed2 = _newSpeed;

                // Determine the direction we are going to go.
                if (_newSpeed < 0)
                    // Set direction and power.
                    m_Pwm2.Set(1000, (byte)(100 - System.Math.Abs(_newSpeed)));
                    // Set direction and power.
                    m_Pwm2.Set(1000, (byte)_newSpeed);
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to set a motor's speed with a ramping acceleration. <see cref="MoveMotor"/>
        /// <param name="_motorSide">The motor <see cref="Motor"/> you are setting the speed for.</param>
        /// <param name="_newSpeed"> The new speed that you want to set the current motor to.</param>
        /// <param name="_rampingDelayMilli"> The time in which you want the motor to reach the new speed (in milliseconds).</param>
        /// </summary>
        public void MoveMotorRamp(Motor _motorSide, int _newSpeed, int _rampingDelayMilli)
            int temp_speed;
            int startSpeed;
            int lastSpeed;

            int timeStep;
            int deltaTime = 0;

            // Determine which motor we are going to change.
            if (_motorSide == Motor.Motor1)
                temp_speed = m_lastSpeed1;
                startSpeed = m_lastSpeed1;
                lastSpeed = m_lastSpeed1;
                temp_speed = m_lastSpeed2;
                startSpeed = m_lastSpeed2;
                lastSpeed = m_lastSpeed2;

            // Determine how long we need to wait between move calls.
            timeStep = _rampingDelayMilli / (_newSpeed - lastSpeed);

            // Ramp
            while (_newSpeed != temp_speed)
                // If we have been updating for the passed in length of time, exit the loop.
                if (deltaTime >= _rampingDelayMilli)

                // If we are slowing the motor down.
                if (temp_speed > _newSpeed)
                    temp_speed += ((startSpeed - _newSpeed) / timeStep);
                // If we are speeding the motor up.
                if (temp_speed < _newSpeed)
                    temp_speed -= ((startSpeed - _newSpeed) / timeStep);

                // Set our motor speed to our new values.
                MoveMotor(_motorSide, temp_speed);

                // Increase our timer.
                deltaTime += System.Math.Abs(timeStep);

                // Wait until we can move again.

        /// <summary>
        /// Represents the delegate that is used to handle the <see cref="MotorControllerL298High"/>
        /// and <see cref="MotorControllerL298Low"/> events.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The <see cref="MotorControllerL298"/> object that raised the event.</param>
        /// <param name="state">The state of the MotorControllerL298</param>
        public delegate void MotorControllerL298EventHandler(MotorControllerL298 sender, MotorControllerL298State state);

        /// <summary>
        /// Raised when the state of <see cref="MotorControllerL298"/> is high.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Implement this event handler and the <see cref="MotorControllerL298Low"/> event handler
        /// when you want to provide an action associated with MotorControllerL298 activity.
        /// The state of the MotorControllerL298 is passed to the <see cref="MotorControllerL298EventHandler"/> delegate,
        /// so you can use the same event handler for both MotorControllerL298 states.
        /// </remarks>
        public event MotorControllerL298EventHandler MotorControllerL298High;

        /// <summary>
        /// Raised when the state of <see cref="MotorControllerL298"/> is low.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Implement this event handler and the <see cref="MotorControllerL298High"/> event handler
        /// when you want to provide an action associated with MotorControllerL298 activity.
        /// Since the state of the MotorControllerL298 is passed to the <see cref="MotorControllerL298EventHandler"/> delegate,
        /// you can use the same event handler for both MotorControllerL298 states.
        /// </remarks>
        public event MotorControllerL298EventHandler MotorControllerL298Low;

        private MotorControllerL298EventHandler onMotorControllerL298;

        /// <summary>
        /// Raises the <see cref="MotorControllerL298High"/> or <see cref="MotorControllerL298Low"/> event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The <see cref="MotorControllerL298"/> that raised the event.</param>
        /// <param name="MotorControllerL298State">The state of the MotorControllerL298.</param>
        protected virtual void OnMotorControllerL298Event(MotorControllerL298 sender, MotorControllerL298State MotorControllerL298State)
            if (this.onMotorControllerL298 == null)
                this.onMotorControllerL298 = new MotorControllerL298EventHandler(this.OnMotorControllerL298Event);

            if (Program.CheckAndInvoke((MotorControllerL298State == MotorControllerL298State.High ? this.MotorControllerL298High : this.MotorControllerL298Low), this.onMotorControllerL298, sender, MotorControllerL298State))
                switch (MotorControllerL298State)
                    case MotorControllerL298State.High:
                        this.MotorControllerL298High(sender, MotorControllerL298State);
                    case MotorControllerL298State.Low:
                        this.MotorControllerL298Low(sender, MotorControllerL298State);

I would love to see MoveRamp to be non blocking maybe?

Maybe also some events ?
[ulist]motor start/stop
position change
overload/stalled (if sense pins are not grounded and if possible)[/ulist]

There is no encoders so you can’t detect position. And no way to sense overload :slight_smile: