Possible to send e-mail via button on Display T35?

Did you find out what error 530 is? “530 SMTP authentication is required”. The authentication is not working - did you explore that?

You need to understand that the mail server you are trying to use REQUIRES that you use SSL/TLS secure layer, and this SMTP client does not use this. Just setting the port to the SSL port does not then magically use SSL. (and RoSchmi, wireshark will probably not show you that information except to see that Outlook is encrypted and the Fez is not)

Simply put, the only way you’re going to get this code to work is to find a non-SSL SMTP relay, as pointed out your ISP is probably your best target. They still require authentication, but many do not require SSL

@ Brett and andre.m:
What do you mean with “your ISP”? Is that not Internet Service Provider? Shall I enter there my e-mail address that I have from my internet provider??

ISP is Internet Service Provider, yes.

If they allocate you an email address, they also provide you with settings needed to use their email service. Using that information you can use their server to send this email, but only if they do not require SSL/TLS encryption. If you want to point us to their doco we can guide you or you can try it on your own.

I am not sure that the 530 message means SSL is required. I believe it means SMTP authentication must be used, which is separate from SSL.

I have read somewhere that 530 has been used as a return code in different situations. So it can be few things. It is possible that there is more in the response that clarify what exactly is the reason for 530. On the other hand the same source mentioned that the extra information can be misleading in certain cases as well.

I think that it is not so easy to implement an smpt-client with authentication and encryption wiith NETMF. So may be besides the possibility to use the ISP as andre suggested, it could be an option to install a local smpt-server like hMailServer on a Windows PC in the local network. hMailServer can be configured to work without authentication. May be that hMailServer can be configurated to forward the e-mails to a public E-Mail Server

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Just found a link with an smtp-client for NETMF for a GMX account
