Possible problem with ParallelPort class or Cpu.Pin

Hi. I recently bought Fez Touch to my Panda II and i have this problem: when i tried to build example project included in Enhanced Fez Touch Driver (http://www.tinyclr.com/codeshare/entry/390) , everything is going Ok.
But when i copy this class to my project and i try to launch it, I always get problem in line:
ParPort = new ParallelPort(lcdConfig.DataPins, lcdConfig.WritePin, lcdConfig.ReadPin);
An unhandled exception of type ‘System.InvalidOperationException’ occurred in GHIElectronics.NETMF.Hardware.dll

and from this time i have also problems with row

OutputPort Led_D6 = new OutputPort((Cpu.Pin)FEZ_Pin.Digital.Di6, BLedD6);

Any Ideas? Could this be just because I have too big project, because Touch Driver has 63kB of source and i have also 26kB W5100 dll?
I am also curious, how (Cpu.Pin)FEZ_Pin.Digital.DiXY retyping is working, when in Cpu.Pin is only enum of 16GPIO and Panda in its Fez_Pin has enum up to pin 69.
Thanks for any replies.

So… I will answer myself…
At the next time DOUBLECHECK that any pin isn’t used by any InputPort or OutputPort definition.

I made that mistake myself before.