Would like feedback from the more experienced on porting some 2 year old FEZ code I wrote for Cobra and Panda to Gadgeteer.
I have a Cerbuino Bee with the old I socket shield attached that has 20 of the old style 3 pin sockets for the FEZ 3 pin modules.
- Created a gadgeteer project in VS 2012 for Cerbuino Bee
- Added the Pin Enumeration Helper Class - https://www.ghielectronics.com/docs/45/fez-cerbuino-bee-developer
- Added reference to GHI.Hardware.FEZCerb
- Added the FEZ LED driver class as a simple test
- In the LED driver class, I changed FEZ_Pin to Cpu.Pin and added a using statement for Microsoft.Spot.Hardware so that it can find the Cpu.Pin class (could have created a new FEZ_pin class…).
- In the Program.cs class, I added a using statement to GHIElectronics.NETMF.FEZ which is the namespace for the FEZ LED driver class (could create a new namespace…)
- Copied over the FEZ code for blinking the LED
- Changed the
redLight = new FEZ_Components.LED(FEZ_Pin.Digital.Di1);
redLight = new FEZ_Components.LED(GHI.Hardware.FEZCerb.Pin.PB10);
Built and deployed.
Light blinked.
What am I missing? Any suggestions that will help me port more complex device drivers?