PCB layout for Color 7" Touch Display Panel


Im currently getting my car modifying, and wanted to have the Fez Cobra (i have one now, but with the 3.5 display) combined with the 7 Touch display (GHI-TFTKIT7-206) in the center console.

The designer needs the measurements for the PCB before he can start working, but the unit is currently out of stock.

Is the 7 touch display coming back?

Is there a document I have missed, containing the PCD-layout ?


That is some really cool project! I would love to see that :slight_smile:

I emailed you the EAGLE design files. You can use EAGLE to do any measurements you need.

The panels should be back in stock in about 1 week.

Thank you for the quick response, it was very appreciated…

The Projects deadline is currently August 1, and the Cobra is going to be connected to the car in every way we find possible (through OBD/Relays etc.), and is going to work standalone and possible in combination with a Tablet running Centrafuse.

I could post the details here, when the project has finished, but I dont know if its useful for anyone else.

I’m also looking for the dimensional drawings/mounting information for the 7" color panel (http://www.ghielectronics.com/catalog/product/206)

any help would be appreciated.


I/we would love to see the finished project ;D
There were some questions from other FEZ users about FEZ + OBD2 before, maybe you can post a working code sample for them too ? :slight_smile: