Has anyone actually used / tested the second CAN channel on their Panda?
Its either my unit is defective or something is wrong with the implementation of channel 2.
In my situation I cannot even get channel 2 to throw bus errors, much less work with data.
If you take the sample code from GHI Electronics – Where Hardware Meets Software
and change the code from channel 1 to channel 2 with no transceiver hooked up, just a raw Panda II board, you should throw a bus error… Otherwise tap the RD pin (di30) and you should throw bus errors in your debug window.
For me I get nothing… The Panda seems to think everything is fine, but nothing is happened. However, everything works great on channel 1. I can get bus errors, receive and transmit data using a transceiver with no issues.
I have burned up tons of hours trying to implement a second CAN channel with no luck… Therefore, I stripped down back to the bare Panda and I really think something is wrong with channel 2 @ a fundamental level… It might be just my unit is bad, but I hope that is not the case.
It is possible as most tests and most users are on channel1. We will investigate in few days.
Thanks Gus…
Being able to use both channels is requirement for my design. I am really hoping we can get to the bottom of this.
Well I got a couple more Pandas in the mail today… I will test to see if I can duplicate the issue when I get a chance.
Have you had a chance to look into the implementation of the second channel? Its kind of a time sensitive requirement for my project. Any help you could offer would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
[quote]If you take the sample code from http://wiki.tinyclr.com/index.php?title=CAN
and change the code from channel 1 to channel 2 with no transceiver hooked up, just a raw Panda II board, you should throw a bus error… Otherwise tap the RD pin (di30) and you should throw bus errors in your debug window.
For me I get nothing… The Panda seems to think everything is fine, but nothing is happened. However, everything works great on channel 1. I can get bus errors, receive and transmit data using a transceiver with no issues.
I just did the same test, and I receive bus errors using channel 2. Did the new Pandas that you received work?
Ok, good news.
I tried channel 2 on my new Pandas and I am getting bus errors which is great! In fact, as soon as you launch the sample code with channel 2, it throws a bus error. The errors continue to get thrown if you touch the pins.
I ran the same exact code and test back to back with my original unit and channel 2 is just plain dead.
I am planning for a small production run using these Panda’s so I really hope I don’t run into this again.
Thanks guys.