Ordered a bunch of goodies from GHI last week

And @ Gus sent me a box full of other goodies!

I’ve got a few things that I don’t think are released yet, so won’t mention them, but I definitely plan on putting them to good use once we can talk about them publicly.

Along with the regular sized FEZ Monkeys that we all know and love, Gus and Christine snuck a few little FEZ guys in. One of them is going to stay in my office and keep my monitor monkey (on the left) company from now on - the rest shall find their way into the hands of lucky CodeCampers, UserGroupers and other dignitaries as I see fit.

Thanks again!

Enjoy :slight_smile:

When are we going to see that bot do something?

Nice. What can you tell us about the car? Was it formerly a RC car?

In the picture it looks like a Spider and its USB connector are mounted on some form of modular board with drilled holes in it. Do you have any idea where I can get one of those as mounting the Spider dev kit on one looks like a greate idea?

Many thanks,


@ jamesjl - young @ stevepresley is starting a new venture and makes them - so talk nicely to him :wink:

…and the fallback is the Tamiya universal plates from places like pololu Pololu - Tamiya 70172 Universal Plate L (210x160mm)

It was a Team Associated RC18MT (Monster Truck).

It’s one of my test rigs, although there is too much weight on the board on the rig in the pic for the servo to turn the front wheels.

@ jamesjl - it’s actually a Cerberus, USB DP, IR receiver, L298 Motorcontroller and two MakeBreads with a breadboard stuck to the front of the mounting board. The board in the pic was actually a cutting error, so it’s not a “T” to support the breadboard properly, it’s actually an “L” as I had some steps on the CNC get skipped in cutting the perimeter and ended up having to clean up this piece with the bandsaw. It’s really just a test rig and won’t be used in the “real” versions that I’m currently trying to get the time to build (again).

I was actually cutting some boards (arduino mounts and a small grid) for @ ransomhall and @ devhammer yesterday, but don’t have any pics of them. Had to go and run a codecamp today, so hope to get to work on them again tomorrow. Will post up pics once I have some decent prototypes done.


Steve, thanks for the info. It’d be great to see them once you’ve had time to complete.