I have to be doing something stupid here, but when I try ToString on number types (int, double) it gives me “Could not evaluate the expression”. I have verified that it has a valid value, hovering over the double shows 23.22, but I can’t seem to turn it into a string. My variable is class scope and set by MeasurementComplete from a Temperature & Humidity sensor. I have tried:
I have tried other values, big, small, whole, decimal, negative, but I get the error every time. I would appreciation a good swift digital kick in the pants on what I’m doing wrong.
Ok, I have isolated the problem to the event that I was trying to do the conversion in. If I convert inside the MeasurementComplete event it works fine, but if I try to convert to string inside the Packet Received event I get the error. I have it working so that I store the value as a string instead of a double, but I don’t understand why I get an error when converting inside the Packet Received event.
Here’s the code. xml.AppendLine(@ " <sensor name="“Temperature”" value=""" + Temperature.ToString() + @ “”" />"); throws the error. When it does error I can use the immediate window to see that a valid value is in Temperature, but even in the immediate window, Temperature.ToString() throws an error. Moved the conversion to a different event and it seems to work fine.
private double Temperature = -1;
void ProgramStarted()
temperatureHumidity.MeasurementComplete += new TemperatureHumidity.MeasurementCompleteEventHandler(temperatureHumidity_MeasurementComplete);
Networking.Adapter.Start(new byte[] { 0x5c, 0x86, 0x4a, 0x00, 0x00, 0xde }, "mip", Networking.InterfaceProfile.Cerberus_Socket6_ENC28);
Networking.Adapter.OnHttpReceivedPacketEvent += new Networking.Adapter.HttpPacketReceivedEventHandler(Adapter_OnHttpReceivedPacketEvent);
Networking.Adapter.ListenToPort(80); // Listen on Port 80, the default web server port
Debug.Print("Program Started");
void Adapter_OnHttpReceivedPacketEvent(Networking.HttpRequest request)
System.Text.StringBuilder xml = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
xml.AppendLine(@ " <sensor name=""Temperature"" value=""" + Temperature.ToString() + @ """ />");
byte[] webPage = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(xml.ToString());
var s = new System.IO.MemoryStream(webPage);
Networking.HttpResponse resp = new Networking.HttpResponse(s);
resp.ContentType = "text/xml";
void temperatureHumidity_MeasurementComplete(TemperatureHumidity sender, double temperature, double relativeHumidity)
Temperature = temperature;
Ok, you are right, it must be thread issues. I’m rather surprised to see a thread issue on a conversion when I was able to get the value without issue, but that does appear to be the problem.